Wow. So many idiots, so little time. Let's address these fine examples of stupidity, to varying degrees, one at a time.
This all started because I thought I kenw you....
Instead of doing the PC way of saying "I dont think you know me" You said:
"You haven't seen me, idiot. You haven't the foggiest idea who I am."
So... Im not gonna get into a spat with what day and time you were born....
Why not just settle this in a manner fitting CS....
Come to the server and own a bit.... or sit down and zip it....
Who the hell is talking to you, dingus?
fuck off. I'm 20 fuckin years old and if you really are as old as you're making yourself out to be then grow up. Dad flat out said he didn't give a shit about knowing alot about computers. You obviously think you're superior to everyone because you know how to handle computers. I don't know jackshit about computers, I don't care. Try and do half of what Dad does for a living and you might impress someone. This man deserves the outmost respect from everyone for what he's doing. Knowing computers ain't everything man, and yes bringing personnal shit to an online gaming clan forum is fucking pathetic. We don't welcome fucktards like yourself here.
Tell me, child. Just what does he do for a living? This man of the year let's his fucking wife work, while he sits at home and plays video games. Wow, what an accomplishment. What a role model.
oops got me again big guy,
thats a place holder on , not a web page dumb ass, it was free from yahoo since I paied for the domain name through them and all I did was fill in the blanks so it didn't say"under construction" . But thanks for taking the time to visit me though!
Boy, you really are stupid, aren't you? No, really, you are. In the really, real're so frickin' stupid there exists no possibility you'll ever climb out of your hole of idiocy. Here, let me dumb this down for you. The domain you registered is pointed towards that host, which is at Yahoo.
Powered by Yahoo! Web Hosting. Copyright ©2005 Yahoo, Inc.
Now, that being said, the content of the website was not designed with a text editor, it was designed with Yahoo! Wizards 2.61.65.
<meta name="generator" content="Created Using Yahoo! Wizards 2.61.65">
Which means, you didn't "make" that website. That also means that you are far to unfamiliar with HTML to design it yourself. Which ultimately means, you're NOT a webmaster.
This shows all of those playing at home how little Daddy actually 'knows' or 'is in the know'. This shows how little Daddy understands. It's ok. Daddy needs this mystical 'man behind the curtain' role he leaches off the Wizard of Oz in order to feel in control of his life. He's fighting a downward spiral. I say, 'downward', not to imply a disaster or suffering - but it really is difficult to get something to spiral 'upwards'. Daddy wants his utopia as he has painted it in his own mind.
Let good 'ol Daddy believe what he needs to.