so who else here thinks...



New Member
Becky said:
hockeyhero said:
maybe you could somehow find only the game on ebay or something....

Yeah, I've had a quick look there and it seems I can pick one up for about £15 which doesn't seem too bad. Will have to wait until payday though as we're gonna be living on baked beans on toast already after all the birthday presents I've bought my fiance. :D

Why buy it though, it's very shi-... bad.


New Member
Of course wii sports is best starter game omg wii play is like no offence but like a baby game wii sports omg adults play that and omg ur attention is so much more focused and ur intelligence increases (crazy enough) XD


New Member
Becky said:
hockeyhero said:
maybe you could somehow find only the game on ebay or something....

Yeah, I've had a quick look there and it seems I can pick one up for about £15 which doesn't seem too bad. Will have to wait until payday though as we're gonna be living on baked beans on toast already after all the birthday presents I've bought my fiance. :D

seems a bit expensive just for wii play...


New Member
kaitora said:
seems a bit expensive just for wii play...

Do you think so? The ones on eBay that did include the remote were around £35, so I thought £15 was good. If you're aware of anywhere that has a copy cheaper, please do let me know. :)


Active Member
Wii sports is better. and wii play kinda rips people off. 50$ for a game with a bonus remote! Really the game is 10 and the remote is of course 40. it should be sold without the remote. it would probably be 10$ or 20$ then.


New Member
Becky said:
kaitora said:
seems a bit expensive just for wii play...

Do you think so? The ones on eBay that did include the remote were around £35, so I thought £15 was good. If you're aware of anywhere that has a copy cheaper, please do let me know. :)

well considering the price of the wii mote on it's own, the difference is about a fiver... and if you look in local gamestores that buy these pre owned and give them about a fiver, i would say you were gettin ripped off... i would gladly give away my copy for a fiver (and that would include UK postage)... 15 seems way too steep for such a game


New Member
I guess its ok for getting to grips with how the whole motion sensor thing works. personally, i like the racing cows! awesome! hehehe


New Member
wifey502 said:
I guess its ok for getting to grips with how the whole motion sensor thing works. personally, i like the racing cows! awesome! hehehe

omg... that's what my fiance loves about it... personally i find it loses it's appeal as soon as you get to the find mii stages


New Member
I think that its got to be wii sports, wii play is really boring apart from the tanks lol, i could play bowling for ages on wii sports :)