Some of Your Best Scores!

Jordan B

Active Member
You still died though.. lol, there would be no way to get 140/0 without the other guy letting you :p

Yup , that's true . I have a 119 Kill Streak on my profile page and everyone calls me a hacker . I was playing a noob , got to like 24-0 , and he just idled for the rest of it .

So now everyone calls me an opk'er and stuff. Rofl .


Active Member
Here's a pretty good one from just earlier. I love my new M416!



New Member
The best way to get the most kills, EXP, and GP is to play CTF in Snowvalley with 5 points. I ALWAYS get a k/d of 3 or 2. At the suckiest 1. Never negative.


New Member
:( I got a 92-12 on a new account i made for kicks b4 the hackers came. I forgot to take a screenie that day and now I am sleepless everynight cuz im stuck wondering, why did I forget o.o


Active Member
Nice.. The only time I really get hit box issues is when SA's are in the room. They have high ping because of their distance from the Nexon servers which is what causes the hit box problems. If you notice, BR's are always hard to kill. I have dubbed them the Brazilian Lagger Dogs.