Okay so I was supposed to have my internet last night after i got off of work. Well i got to my apartment and there's a thing on my door to call adelphia. Well supposedly I owe Adelphia Cable $945.67. And also this was from like 3 or 4 years ago when i wasn't even able to get internet even if i wanted to. So someone took my social secirity number and used it and yeah i'm a little more than pissed. I have to go to Adelphia tomorrow and show them my birth certificate and DL so that i can get it cleared. My grandpa hired a detective so i think i'm going to be going to court soon. Whoever did this is going to pay. I'm so pissed I'm off tonight and I can't play games. I was sooo hoping to play after not having internet for like a week. But hopefully I will tomorrow night. I'll tell ya'll how it goes tomorrow. grrrrr