Some people make me sick...


New Member
Okay so I was supposed to have my internet last night after i got off of work. Well i got to my apartment and there's a thing on my door to call adelphia. Well supposedly I owe Adelphia Cable $945.67. And also this was from like 3 or 4 years ago when i wasn't even able to get internet even if i wanted to. So someone took my social secirity number and used it and yeah i'm a little more than pissed. I have to go to Adelphia tomorrow and show them my birth certificate and DL so that i can get it cleared. My grandpa hired a detective so i think i'm going to be going to court soon. Whoever did this is going to pay. I'm so pissed I'm off tonight and I can't play games. I was sooo hoping to play after not having internet for like a week. But hopefully I will tomorrow night. I'll tell ya'll how it goes tomorrow. grrrrr


New Member
That sucks I hope it all works out. Make sure you get a credit report and check it so there is nothing else on there that you got screwed with.


New Member
EMA said:
Well supposedly I owe Adelphia Cable $945.67. And also this was from like 3 or 4 years ago when i wasn't even able to get internet even if i wanted to. So someone took my social secirity number and used it and yeah i'm a little more than pissed.

Ema if I were you I'd be pissed at Adelphia. In order to be in arrears to the tune of $946 that means they decided to ignore the fact that they weren't getting paid. I tell you what. If I didn't pay my cable company for a few months then I bet they would shut it off before the third month.


New Member
Puppet said:
EMA said:
Well supposedly I owe Adelphia Cable $945.67. And also this was from like 3 or 4 years ago when i wasn't even able to get internet even if i wanted to. So someone took my social secirity number and used it and yeah i'm a little more than pissed.

Ema if I were you I'd be pissed at Adelphia. In order to be in arrears to the tune of $946 that means they decided to ignore the fact that they weren't getting paid. I tell you what. If I didn't pay my cable company for a few months then I bet they would shut it off before the third month.

exactly wat i said


New Member
EMA said:
Okay so I was supposed to have my internet last night after i got off of work. Well i got to my apartment and there's a thing on my door to call adelphia. Well supposedly I owe Adelphia Cable $945.67. And also this was from like 3 or 4 years ago when i wasn't even able to get internet even if i wanted to. So someone took my social secirity number and used it and yeah i'm a little more than pissed. I have to go to Adelphia tomorrow and show them my birth certificate and DL so that i can get it cleared. My grandpa hired a detective so i think i'm going to be going to court soon. Whoever did this is going to pay. I'm so pissed I'm off tonight and I can't play games. I was sooo hoping to play after not having internet for like a week. But hopefully I will tomorrow night. I'll tell ya'll how it goes tomorrow. grrrrr

Freaking shame.. You should check your credit report to see if they used your info for anything else..


New Member
Well I just go back from Adelphia and supposedly i owe them equipment. This was in 98-99....i was 11 years old...I owe them a surfboard or something like that, that was installed in a computer. But if i dont do that then they can't fix it. They wouldn't even give me a copy of my account information or anything. I also found out that the entire account was in my NAME and it also had my social on it. Yeah...this sucks....grrrr.


New Member
I would be in their face big time. I tear up organizations like them by going to the top. Don't screw around with the little people because they don't give a sweet shit as long as they get paid. I would request a top officer in their billing department call me and I wouldn't settle for a supervisor. All you need to do is tell them that you find it a little strange that they allow 11 year old people to do business with them and then tell them the name of a local lawyer. Just pick one out of the phone book. He doesn't actually need to be your lawyer. Tell them your lawyer realizes that debt from a minor is a little bit impossible and damages would therefore be part of the suit. Be tough like you always are with us.


New Member
sorry to hear that ema...if i were u i would go get a new social security number. Yes it is a pain in the ass but if u dont do it u will deal with this problem for the rest of ur life...

they dont like to give out new social security numbers but if u explain ur situation u should b ok...

things you will need to bring if u decide to go...

1. your social
2. your moms
3. your dads

birth certificate
and D.L if u have one


New Member
eggs said:
Puppet said:
Be tough like you always are with us.

and eat cotton candy before you do it so you are hyped up and ready to rip someones head off if need be

I don't need candy for me to get that way..ya'll should know.

I just took some equipment that was in my moms moms basement. It was a surfboard card that was supposed to be installed in the computer..that one card cost $500. I took that back and now I'm just waiting to hear from the office if i still have to pay the $400+ that i supposedly owe. If they tell me that they can't/won't write it off then i have a lawyer waiting. :twisted: grrrrrr


New Member
COTTON CANDY is special.
you see...
im a diabetic.
i havnt had COTTON CANDY in bout 3 1/2 years.
and it is what i crave almost every time i want some sugery sweetness
hence forward
COTTON CANDY will hype you up like it would me.
eggs wants COTTON CANDY


New Member
eggs said:
COTTON CANDY is special.
you see...
im a diabetic.
i havnt had COTTON CANDY in bout 3 1/2 years.
and it is what i crave almost every time i want some sugery sweetness
hence forward
COTTON CANDY will hype you up like it would me.
eggs wants COTTON CANDY

<holds cotton candy just in front of eggs but not within reach>