it is a bit hard to follow whats going on, im not going to fix this one but i will slow down my next battle sequence...
in case you cant tell here is a complete breakdown of what they are doing
Z (red guy) runs in and jumps to slash his head but the dude with a big sword (lets call him bob) swings so z uses his boot thrusters to raise his height to avoid being hit, and as he lands bob tries hitting him with a fireball but z warps behind for another attempt with a laser sword strike in which bob jumps to avoid being hit while doing a flip, then z punches his sword away striking a platform while bob regains his balance off the ceiling and teleports his sword back to his hand
all the while z is flying towards him he jumps towards the ground and is shot by z with a small blast, and z trys to warp away but bob stops him and z is reflected to the ground, quickly bob hops over his head, and z shoots with a large blast sending bob to his death, then warps away....
thats the scene if that helps at all lol my next one is between Chaos (boss from sonic) and Riku (Kingdom hearts Chain of Memories)
heres a new one i recolored z and added a few attacks and effects its slowed down alot because its more of a demonstration of the recolor soooo