I am Floyd and i am selling a couple of my accounts.
I used Origin, Steam and Battle.net and i am willing to sell all of them. I am selling them because i want to buy a better pc, a 23inch full hd screen and a ps4 later on.
Currently i am saving up and doing my job as a manager in a media store.
Yes, you can 100% trust me and no, i will not first give my password. I will only work with IDeal.
What games do my accounts have?
First off, Origin.
This account includes:
Battlefield 3
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Dead Space 3
My Steam ccount includes:
Arma 2 (Including Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead)
The Binding of Isaac
CoD World at War
CoD 4, Modern Warfare 1
CoD Modern Warfare 2
Cod Modern Warfare 3
CoD Black Ops 2 (including zombie Nuketown)
Counter Strike Global Offensive and Counter Strike Source
Don't Starve
Dota 2
Dungeon Defenders
FTL: Faster than Light
Garry's Mod
God Mode
Left 4 Dead 2
Orcs Must Die! 2
Portal 2
Prison Architect
Saints Row: The Third
Starforge Alpha
Warrhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
My Battle.net account includes:
World of Warcraft Battlechest
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King
World of Warcraft Cataclysm
No, i do not have the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
The account also still has an Alliance, Human, Paladin and is lvl 41.
It has about 100 gold in his inventory.
For the Origin account i want about 50-100 euros
Steam account: about 120-150 euros
Battle.net account: 30 euros
All the accounts are pretty much on the same E-Mail address, and yes. You may have the E-Mail address account so you can make sure there is no way to get scammed if you don't trust me.
As i said, i want the money first.
Contact: No, i will not add you through Steam since you can get banned for selling accounts. I will only give you the username when we go to the paying part.
E-Mail: Floyd1407@live.nl
Skype: floydb1307
Feel free to contact me! Just don't spam my e-mail :/
Yup, i am missing a picture of the Origin account becuase the file was too big.
I will put it on another time when i can make the file smaller.
Don't have time atm.
-Much loves Floyd
View attachment 1883
I am Floyd and i am selling a couple of my accounts.
I used Origin, Steam and Battle.net and i am willing to sell all of them. I am selling them because i want to buy a better pc, a 23inch full hd screen and a ps4 later on.
Currently i am saving up and doing my job as a manager in a media store.
Yes, you can 100% trust me and no, i will not first give my password. I will only work with IDeal.
What games do my accounts have?
First off, Origin.
This account includes:
Battlefield 3
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Dead Space 3
My Steam ccount includes:
Arma 2 (Including Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead)
The Binding of Isaac
CoD World at War
CoD 4, Modern Warfare 1
CoD Modern Warfare 2
Cod Modern Warfare 3
CoD Black Ops 2 (including zombie Nuketown)
Counter Strike Global Offensive and Counter Strike Source
Don't Starve
Dota 2
Dungeon Defenders
FTL: Faster than Light
Garry's Mod
God Mode
Left 4 Dead 2
Orcs Must Die! 2
Portal 2
Prison Architect
Saints Row: The Third
Starforge Alpha
Warrhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
My Battle.net account includes:
World of Warcraft Battlechest
World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King
World of Warcraft Cataclysm
No, i do not have the Mists of Pandaria expansion.
The account also still has an Alliance, Human, Paladin and is lvl 41.
It has about 100 gold in his inventory.
For the Origin account i want about 50-100 euros
Steam account: about 120-150 euros
Battle.net account: 30 euros
All the accounts are pretty much on the same E-Mail address, and yes. You may have the E-Mail address account so you can make sure there is no way to get scammed if you don't trust me.
As i said, i want the money first.
Contact: No, i will not add you through Steam since you can get banned for selling accounts. I will only give you the username when we go to the paying part.
E-Mail: Floyd1407@live.nl
Skype: floydb1307
Feel free to contact me! Just don't spam my e-mail :/
Yup, i am missing a picture of the Origin account becuase the file was too big.
I will put it on another time when i can make the file smaller.
Don't have time atm.
-Much loves Floyd