*scratches the back of his head*
Well, the contest isn't officially started yet, but I'm sure some of the people who joined it are already writing. For those who are, how is it going?
It would be nice to tell a bit of progress people make. Not saying something about the story but just... well, I'm sure I made my point.
As for myself. I didn't manage to make a fitting start for a story, so I am planning to steal a start from a different (unposted, and unfinished) of mine. Those I pick it from are good, nonetheless, but I never really got to the point to finish them. At one of them, I am not sure how to continue, but it is too short to post. Another one of them is quite short too, but because nothing really happens (except two people saying good morning to each other) I see no reason to post it either. There are others as well, but they are in even a worse state than those I just mentioned.
Well, I'm gonna continue. I hate having too much free time...