Well, looks like the contest is coming to an end. Tomorrow is the last day to complete and send it in, I guess.
Funny how little I finished in that amount of time. Maybe it's because I don't like writing because I am ordered to. I take requests, but I don't take orders lightly, it seems.
'Whatever walks here... walks alone,' will be the best I've ever produced and maybe will ever make, but it will not be my entry for the contest anymore. I want to spend some more time on it instead of quickly finishing it just for a "stupid countest." The contest never really had a high priority for me but it's true that it dropped quite a few priority-ranks when the end (before it was extended) was nearing. There were some things appearing in my private life that were hard on the stomach and eventually resulted in the death of living beings, though it looks like most people involved in that situation took it better than expected; despite that I was in pretty bad shape because of it and developed a short temporary writer's block because of it.
Luckily, all those problems pretty much ended (sort of) and my life is back to how it was supposed to be... and maybe even better (or more screwed up, depends on how you look at it) than before.
After I got 18, I managed to keep myself to all my promises. I am hesitating if I should keep myself to an old promise as well. I doubt many people know what I am talking about now though...
Anyway... I'm not really in the mood to write today and I want to get a few (minor) things straight with a few people. That's my top priority at the moment. Therefore, I'll create and finish something tomorrow when I'm home from work. I'm at the Control/Analyse department tomorrow, so I'm sure I have some time to think of a decent little concept. The work-pressure isn't too high at that section.
For those who think I won't be able to produce anything, well, they're wrong. If I really don't manage to get anything in time, then I'll shoot an older story of mine out of my closet. I have a bunch of unfinished stories in a little document out here. Truth is that I tried to continue them, but never found the right way to do it. Thinking of a good way to continue is what I'll be doing tomorrow in the early morning and afternoon, seeing as I won't be able to have much of a computer available at work to write with.
Right, um... good luck to those who are still writing. I hope to read some of your stories when I'm waiting for the bus friday, so don't let me down... 'kay? You see, it's quite boring to wait for the bus on your own while only listening to the Top 40 in the mean time. Last week it was filled for more than 40% with songs I am not too fond of, and I doubt much has changed this week. So, do me a favor; make my day. ^^
An other note I would like to make. I won't be able to read all stories in one day. In opposite of Kem - who mentioned that not long after the forum was created - I have quite a long attention-span, but I don't have the time to make proper use of it. I have a half an hour to read at work and about two hours on friday when I'm waiting for the bus (and/or train).
In order to get the best possible judgement, I'll discuss some of the stories with two friends of mine, if I feel like it. One of them is not familiar with stories, the other one is familiar with just about all stories of mine. She reads faster than that I write and I'm a little hesitant to send 'If, and only if.'

But then again... who actually believed the fact that I would only base everything on my own opinion.