Right. As is known by most, I am studying laws for the next three and a half years. My intention is to graduate without any specific annoying problems such last year (which I only barely graduated and a lot of people of my class failed). Before the year started, some friends of mine told me that they "surely were going to finish this study course." Erik, a schoolfriend of mine was no exception, not to mention that he was a very special case, considering that he got a very 'nice' job offer for being practically a genius when it comes to numeric formules - something which I am the opposite of, therefore still being extremely grateful for the help he offered me which resulted in my own graduation. However, after three weeks he told me that he wanted to stop with his current study course because he didn't like it at all. A short while after he told me that, another friend, Elianne, told me that she was "definitely going to finish this study course." She got a sarcastic answer of me which looked something like: "I want to hear you say that again in two years. Erik gave up after three weeks."
Anyway, those close to me - and a number of them are not aware of it either - know that I have been extremely busy with all kind of stuff the last while and I am still far from finished. The fact that I suddenly got swamped with problems on my computer (mostly spyware) are not really helping either. I haven't really had the time to visit the forum much either... any forum, for that matter. The only forum I have been visiting much is the SCH-fansite forum, which is a place that has a special place in my heart. I would love to answer most threads here, but I must admit that I honestly don't have the time to do that. I am not completely sure who Winged is who mentioned a few things about me, but I can guarantee you that I've found it out soon enough. There aren't a big number of people that have access to my ocmputer without me being aware of it. However, he, or she mentioned that I was injured because I was involved in a car accident. There is no single piece of the truth in this. I don't have a car licence, or anything for that matter. Nor did I got in an accident or whatsoever. I do have a small case of RSI because I had to solve some problems a short time ago on my computer; that was right before my computer started to get messed up. It should go over in a while, I guess; I'm not too worried about it, except that it keeps me awake sometimes at night because of the pain.
Winged also mentioned in the Stories forum that I would have stopped writing. That, unfortunately, is true. Before all problems started (and the last time I visited the forum, now I look at my Quote of the Day, which I still update daily in a document on my computer), I finished watching the anime series 'Monster,' a horror/mystery series based on realism and plays in Germany and the Czech area, involving mostly Germans, Czechs, Turkish and one or two other nationalities which are often seen in such countries. Mostly Asian or Easternly Europe. I am by far not the type to make a fuss about a series, but this is easily the best I've ever seen, heard and/or read. When I look at all my stories, I suddenly see a lot of flaws which I didn't see before yet. I am going to reconstruct my entire writing style from scratch now and will therefore won't write for some time now. Winged also mentioned that I didn't post several stories on this forum that I made, which is also the truth. Only a small number of stories are currently on this forum. He is also right that I entered numerous Story Contests, but unfortunately only won a Second price once. That story isn't posted on this forum; it is, however, English - I don't write much Dutch stories, I can't seem to bring the excitement factor in my native language.
However, even though I won't write anything new for a while, I might post some new stuff from time to time. That would probably be older stories from me then, as the most recent story happens to be posted on this forum. That's 'Soldier's Love.'
As I said earlier, I have been busy lately, which is purely the truth. It is absolutely no secret that I am a fan of radio dj Edwin Evers, who has a morning program on the radio from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. If I'd say that I have only listened to him for about half an hour last week, I guess that sums up how much time I really had.
Last monday is when all problems started. I enjoyed a nice week of vacation (despite half of the week was terrible) and had to go to school again on monday. So I walked towards the train station, just like I always did. Before I got there, I got a phone call from a friend (and currently classmate) of mine. Her reaction was quick, simple and blunt: "The trains aren't riding." That got me shocked for a moment until she explained that it didn't go further than the central station, where we could take the bus, which was acceptable, but increases my travel times with a complete hour, which annoyed both her and me. Truth to be known, the time it took to go to school (and home) took longer than the time we were at school because we were in a total number of 6 people. ("Danny, where is everyone?" "Everyone? This is everyone. Just us six.")
Regardless, that same train didn't ride for the entire week, meaning that we had to take the bus every time. Normally this isn't that bad, but if you think of the fact that both she and I haven't taken the bus to school for more than one and a half year now, it is hard. We lost complete track of at what time the busses are leaving and at what time we would reach school. My sense of time really didn't help in that matter - note: my sense of time is about of similar quality as my ability to remembering names, practically not existing. Funny enough, it didn't result in a fact that we got late in any occasion, except monday, but I don't think our teacher, Wagener, noticed... or minded. Last friday I had to leave at 7:15 from my own home to the train station to leave to school. It was possible to compare me to a zombie at that moment because it took me until 3 o'clock in the afternoon until I really started to wake up. ("You look tired" - Felix, "Gee, you noticed.")
For those who were following my quote of the days, these are a few that haven't been updated:
21/10/06 "Waking up at 4, going to sleep at 8. No social life, but surely the best work of the world." - Rick Romijn, sidekick of Evers.
Evers Staat Op, the radio program of Edwin Evers, won the award of best radio show. Edwin Evers won the award of 'best radio dj.' ("The result would lose its meaning if Evers wouldn't win it," - Giel Beelen, rival of Evers)
22/10/06 "Het beste medicijn voor een ochtend humeur." - Rick van Velthuysen, a radio DJ.
Rick van Velthuysen is a colleague of Edwin Evers who praised Evers' radio show.
23/10/06 "Hopeless!" - Wagener, a teacher.
Monday. He was explaining something and no one listened. Out of nothing, one of my classmates suddenly said: "Excuse me? Did you say something?"
24/10/06 "I've had more interesting phone-calls." - Jens Timmermans, radio dj.
At 23:45/11:45PM at my favorite radio channel, dj Barry Paf (when absent, replaced by Jens Timmermans) has a 'romance/relations moment' on the radio and calls two people to get them together. This time one of the callers only mentioned a handful of words and only answered with 'yes' and 'no'.
25/10/06 "She has stunning looks, but that's just about it. Her personality sucks." - Franklin, a friend.
Wednesday, project-day, the last day. Franklin is the ideal model of 'arrogance,' but he's quite friendly from time to time. He and I were talking about a classmate of mine, which is a really pretty girl, but her personality is truly horrible.
26/10/06 "Hey Erwin. Henaar finally had her baby. She now, really, has a daughter." - Shaymaa, a friend.
In my first year of College, a classmate, Henaar, kept calling me her 'daughter,' which started out as a joke that got out of hand. When Henaar left to go back to her home country, Shaymaa continued the joke and started calling me her daughter. Henaar finally got her baby, which happened to be a daughter. I forgot the name of the baby.
27/10/06 "Hey Erwin! I got good news! I just talked to Wagener, and he said we could keep our project-group." - Franklin, a friend.
A lot of people hate the project day because it is a lot of work which you have to do with a small group of people. I always worked with the 'loyal' Martijn, the 'arrogant' Franklin and of course myself. Despite that we had a short quarrel on the first day, we instantly became a team the next week and were probably the best project group of the school. We always had more than an hour of spare time and we always had one of the highest scores/grades. We tried to keep our project group, and Franklin said that he probably got it done.
28/10/06 "Yeah, but Franklin says that everything is easy. He doesn't know the meaning of the word 'hard'." - Preeti, a friend.
Preeti and I were discussing our project-test, a test which we'll get monday and we're all worried about. When I asked Franklin last friday if he was worried for it, he answered in his usual arrogant self: "No, I'm sure it's easy." *sigh* That's typical him.
I don't have a suitable quote of the day for today. I haven't spoken to anyone in specific, but I'm sure I'll get to that. There are a lot of stuff to be taken care of later today, as I am currently just taking a break from studying.
I'll make a bet with you guys on the forum though. I'll buy myself an airline ticket and fly to you (if necessary) if I fail for either my English and/or ICT test.
I saw what they're about, and if I fail for them, I really should be embarrassed. Oh yeah, and I'm afraid of heights. 
I am currently studying for my main class: laws. I cannot remember that it was this hard during the classes. I've spoken to nearly everyone I hang out with from school about this test and if they were able to study properly for it. I got a very negative answer from just about everyone. Elianne and Preeti, both friends of mine got to me as one of the first people to ask me if I got everything in the right way and if they could copy it to study. Unfortunately, I was asking the same thing to people. Erik and Felix had no clue what to do either. Last friday night, (really, night) I spoke to a friend, at a nearby mall. She told that she had it right but plainly didn't understand what was going on and how to study from it, whichi can't really help with either as there is no right way to study for this. I could have taken her out to eat at that moment though, but I didn't. I wonder why... I would've asked just about everyone at that point. Most (girl)friends of mine aren't too surprised when I ask such things anyway... they're all used to my real f*cked up personality when it comes to stuff like that.
*sigh* And then they wonder why I'm still single.
I should stop acting equally to everyone. 
I do know that I bought myself a ring last friday in some of my spare time. It's a red/black ring where the red changes from color depending on the temprature of my hand. If I got really cold hands, it remains red. If I got really hot hands, it turns white. A lot of (girl)friends (no guy ever mentioned it) complained that I often had cold hands. I don't agree with the cold hands though. I don't find them cold at all, but this ring might clear that a bit more up. Though I'm a bit hesitant of wearing it to school... you see, I always walk with my hands in my pockets and they remain on a certain temprature while being in it. But give a wild guess, what is the color between red and white... yeah, you got it: pink. I am not prepared to walk with a pink ring.
I'm really glad that no one thinks I'm gay anymore though, I cleared that up by the use of a joke... and someone who really is gay in my class. 
Anyway, I think that sums up a bit what I have been up to lately, so that's about all of an explanation. If people have any questions which are directed to me, don't hesitate to send a PM. Despite that I don't post, I am still always online and keep an eye on most things. I just don't have the time (or energy) to muster up a reply. It is likely that I'll have some more time starting uh... wednesday or so. Monday and tuesday are my main tests, (law and project-test) which I really have to study for, despite that it is next to impossible to study for them. So, until then, I'll be stuck for a while.
My apologies if I missed something important out here though.
Anyway, those close to me - and a number of them are not aware of it either - know that I have been extremely busy with all kind of stuff the last while and I am still far from finished. The fact that I suddenly got swamped with problems on my computer (mostly spyware) are not really helping either. I haven't really had the time to visit the forum much either... any forum, for that matter. The only forum I have been visiting much is the SCH-fansite forum, which is a place that has a special place in my heart. I would love to answer most threads here, but I must admit that I honestly don't have the time to do that. I am not completely sure who Winged is who mentioned a few things about me, but I can guarantee you that I've found it out soon enough. There aren't a big number of people that have access to my ocmputer without me being aware of it. However, he, or she mentioned that I was injured because I was involved in a car accident. There is no single piece of the truth in this. I don't have a car licence, or anything for that matter. Nor did I got in an accident or whatsoever. I do have a small case of RSI because I had to solve some problems a short time ago on my computer; that was right before my computer started to get messed up. It should go over in a while, I guess; I'm not too worried about it, except that it keeps me awake sometimes at night because of the pain.
Winged also mentioned in the Stories forum that I would have stopped writing. That, unfortunately, is true. Before all problems started (and the last time I visited the forum, now I look at my Quote of the Day, which I still update daily in a document on my computer), I finished watching the anime series 'Monster,' a horror/mystery series based on realism and plays in Germany and the Czech area, involving mostly Germans, Czechs, Turkish and one or two other nationalities which are often seen in such countries. Mostly Asian or Easternly Europe. I am by far not the type to make a fuss about a series, but this is easily the best I've ever seen, heard and/or read. When I look at all my stories, I suddenly see a lot of flaws which I didn't see before yet. I am going to reconstruct my entire writing style from scratch now and will therefore won't write for some time now. Winged also mentioned that I didn't post several stories on this forum that I made, which is also the truth. Only a small number of stories are currently on this forum. He is also right that I entered numerous Story Contests, but unfortunately only won a Second price once. That story isn't posted on this forum; it is, however, English - I don't write much Dutch stories, I can't seem to bring the excitement factor in my native language.
However, even though I won't write anything new for a while, I might post some new stuff from time to time. That would probably be older stories from me then, as the most recent story happens to be posted on this forum. That's 'Soldier's Love.'
As I said earlier, I have been busy lately, which is purely the truth. It is absolutely no secret that I am a fan of radio dj Edwin Evers, who has a morning program on the radio from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM. If I'd say that I have only listened to him for about half an hour last week, I guess that sums up how much time I really had.
Last monday is when all problems started. I enjoyed a nice week of vacation (despite half of the week was terrible) and had to go to school again on monday. So I walked towards the train station, just like I always did. Before I got there, I got a phone call from a friend (and currently classmate) of mine. Her reaction was quick, simple and blunt: "The trains aren't riding." That got me shocked for a moment until she explained that it didn't go further than the central station, where we could take the bus, which was acceptable, but increases my travel times with a complete hour, which annoyed both her and me. Truth to be known, the time it took to go to school (and home) took longer than the time we were at school because we were in a total number of 6 people. ("Danny, where is everyone?" "Everyone? This is everyone. Just us six.")
Regardless, that same train didn't ride for the entire week, meaning that we had to take the bus every time. Normally this isn't that bad, but if you think of the fact that both she and I haven't taken the bus to school for more than one and a half year now, it is hard. We lost complete track of at what time the busses are leaving and at what time we would reach school. My sense of time really didn't help in that matter - note: my sense of time is about of similar quality as my ability to remembering names, practically not existing. Funny enough, it didn't result in a fact that we got late in any occasion, except monday, but I don't think our teacher, Wagener, noticed... or minded. Last friday I had to leave at 7:15 from my own home to the train station to leave to school. It was possible to compare me to a zombie at that moment because it took me until 3 o'clock in the afternoon until I really started to wake up. ("You look tired" - Felix, "Gee, you noticed.")
For those who were following my quote of the days, these are a few that haven't been updated:
21/10/06 "Waking up at 4, going to sleep at 8. No social life, but surely the best work of the world." - Rick Romijn, sidekick of Evers.
Evers Staat Op, the radio program of Edwin Evers, won the award of best radio show. Edwin Evers won the award of 'best radio dj.' ("The result would lose its meaning if Evers wouldn't win it," - Giel Beelen, rival of Evers)
22/10/06 "Het beste medicijn voor een ochtend humeur." - Rick van Velthuysen, a radio DJ.
Rick van Velthuysen is a colleague of Edwin Evers who praised Evers' radio show.
23/10/06 "Hopeless!" - Wagener, a teacher.
Monday. He was explaining something and no one listened. Out of nothing, one of my classmates suddenly said: "Excuse me? Did you say something?"
24/10/06 "I've had more interesting phone-calls." - Jens Timmermans, radio dj.
At 23:45/11:45PM at my favorite radio channel, dj Barry Paf (when absent, replaced by Jens Timmermans) has a 'romance/relations moment' on the radio and calls two people to get them together. This time one of the callers only mentioned a handful of words and only answered with 'yes' and 'no'.
25/10/06 "She has stunning looks, but that's just about it. Her personality sucks." - Franklin, a friend.
Wednesday, project-day, the last day. Franklin is the ideal model of 'arrogance,' but he's quite friendly from time to time. He and I were talking about a classmate of mine, which is a really pretty girl, but her personality is truly horrible.
26/10/06 "Hey Erwin. Henaar finally had her baby. She now, really, has a daughter." - Shaymaa, a friend.
In my first year of College, a classmate, Henaar, kept calling me her 'daughter,' which started out as a joke that got out of hand. When Henaar left to go back to her home country, Shaymaa continued the joke and started calling me her daughter. Henaar finally got her baby, which happened to be a daughter. I forgot the name of the baby.
27/10/06 "Hey Erwin! I got good news! I just talked to Wagener, and he said we could keep our project-group." - Franklin, a friend.
A lot of people hate the project day because it is a lot of work which you have to do with a small group of people. I always worked with the 'loyal' Martijn, the 'arrogant' Franklin and of course myself. Despite that we had a short quarrel on the first day, we instantly became a team the next week and were probably the best project group of the school. We always had more than an hour of spare time and we always had one of the highest scores/grades. We tried to keep our project group, and Franklin said that he probably got it done.
28/10/06 "Yeah, but Franklin says that everything is easy. He doesn't know the meaning of the word 'hard'." - Preeti, a friend.
Preeti and I were discussing our project-test, a test which we'll get monday and we're all worried about. When I asked Franklin last friday if he was worried for it, he answered in his usual arrogant self: "No, I'm sure it's easy." *sigh* That's typical him.
I don't have a suitable quote of the day for today. I haven't spoken to anyone in specific, but I'm sure I'll get to that. There are a lot of stuff to be taken care of later today, as I am currently just taking a break from studying.
I'll make a bet with you guys on the forum though. I'll buy myself an airline ticket and fly to you (if necessary) if I fail for either my English and/or ICT test.
I am currently studying for my main class: laws. I cannot remember that it was this hard during the classes. I've spoken to nearly everyone I hang out with from school about this test and if they were able to study properly for it. I got a very negative answer from just about everyone. Elianne and Preeti, both friends of mine got to me as one of the first people to ask me if I got everything in the right way and if they could copy it to study. Unfortunately, I was asking the same thing to people. Erik and Felix had no clue what to do either. Last friday night, (really, night) I spoke to a friend, at a nearby mall. She told that she had it right but plainly didn't understand what was going on and how to study from it, whichi can't really help with either as there is no right way to study for this. I could have taken her out to eat at that moment though, but I didn't. I wonder why... I would've asked just about everyone at that point. Most (girl)friends of mine aren't too surprised when I ask such things anyway... they're all used to my real f*cked up personality when it comes to stuff like that.
I do know that I bought myself a ring last friday in some of my spare time. It's a red/black ring where the red changes from color depending on the temprature of my hand. If I got really cold hands, it remains red. If I got really hot hands, it turns white. A lot of (girl)friends (no guy ever mentioned it) complained that I often had cold hands. I don't agree with the cold hands though. I don't find them cold at all, but this ring might clear that a bit more up. Though I'm a bit hesitant of wearing it to school... you see, I always walk with my hands in my pockets and they remain on a certain temprature while being in it. But give a wild guess, what is the color between red and white... yeah, you got it: pink. I am not prepared to walk with a pink ring.
Anyway, I think that sums up a bit what I have been up to lately, so that's about all of an explanation. If people have any questions which are directed to me, don't hesitate to send a PM. Despite that I don't post, I am still always online and keep an eye on most things. I just don't have the time (or energy) to muster up a reply. It is likely that I'll have some more time starting uh... wednesday or so. Monday and tuesday are my main tests, (law and project-test) which I really have to study for, despite that it is next to impossible to study for them. So, until then, I'll be stuck for a while.
My apologies if I missed something important out here though.