


New Member
I'm not sure if it'd work out, I mean... wouldn't it be the same thing as the Dawn of the Dead remake? A bunch of people stuck in the mall? :p

Though it'd be cool to see a movie with zombies getting run over by lawn mowers :p


New Member
Any zombie film has my attention, I just hope they focus on making it "realistic" and not losing out on other important parts. (like most video games come films do)


New Member
Well , just my p.o.v. but i agree with KIK, in fact i think that DEAD RISING is the videogame adaptation for DAWN OF THE DEAD. I beg better for a railgun ( type house of the dead ) game of the Dead Rising Franchise. Thats sounds a lot better.


New Member
I think that they will make one soon, we just got to give it time, im sure it will be a great movie too, hopefully realistic :D.


New Member
I wish they will make it. I have a question...I just finished the deadrising game through xbox 360. Do he turn to zombie at the end? I heard about deadrising2 but i felt sad that Frank West will not be there...