Sukhoi T-50...5th Gen fighter aircraft

Super Six 4

We have hundreds of F-22s? I thought Comrade Obama cancelled the program in October.

**checking the web**

It appears that at most, we'll only EVER have 187 F-22s. 10/28/09, Obama signed the bill which ended production of the F-22. Really, why do we need new fighters when we have a fleet of 30 and 40 year old jets? (internet note: that was sarcasm)

yah actually the USAF now has 186 because one crashed. The Russians ordered 187 T-50s, and if we know Russia-they'll probably get a few more just for kicks and giggles (well, more because it's like an ongoing Cold War in some ways lol)


Active Member
To be perfectly honest, the USA does a LOT of copying from the Russians, it goes both ways. Look at the planes during the Korean war, both the American and Russian planes look pretty close to the same thing.

Russian planes my look similar on the outside, but there different.
The Burian (the russian version of the space shuttle) was better in many ways.
Also Russian pilots are CRAZY, they are absolutely INSANE and by that i mean their crazy good.

Its acctually much better to copy someone elses design than to create your own. NO MATTER what a second copy is going to be better than the first because every design as flawes and new technology comes out every day that could replace a system on the original. Most people find it offensive to be called a copy cat, but seeing what works for others and what needs work is much better. And I thought we had more F-22s. And there is no reason to build a new plane because there isnt anything yet that has been able to top it, there has been planes to match it, but they always belonged to ally's so it would be kinda pointless to spend billons to top something that doesnt need to be topped.

Super Six 4


Its acctually much better to copy someone elses design than to create your own. NO MATTER what a second copy is going to be better than the first because every design as flawes and new technology comes out every day that could replace a system on the original. Most people find it offensive to be called a copy cat, but seeing what works for others and what needs work is much better. And I thought we had more F-22s. And there is no reason to build a new plane because there isnt anything yet that has been able to top it, there has been planes to match it, but they always belonged to ally's so it would be kinda pointless to spend billons to top something that doesnt need to be topped.

You're pretty much wrong because the USAF has been working on the JSF (Joint Strike Fighter) since they were working on the F-22, but the F-22 was slightly easier I think to make and because they didn't need to top any other planes at that moment really.