Sup yall



New Member
I was thinking of Pgamers and AC more, actually... though I didn't stay very active at AC.
I wasn't active from the start at Wc3c... but then again, I wasn't active from the start at Pgamers either. All forums triggered something in me to make me visit them... to make me active... to make me post. Even if it's just a stupid reason to become the member with the most posts or be the member that is recognized by everyone on the forum or something like that. But whatever I wanted to achieve back then... I already achieved everything once. And... well, I've told you people before about my motivation points before.

Why should we stop? He should feel proud for having two moderators talking with so much passion in his thread. :p


New Member
Don't underestimate what I am talking about, Raging. Sometimes you should take a better look to what I am talking about. =) 90% is quite a lot after all.

As for setting an example... well, I've said it before. I am not a role model, but in a serious mood, I am a good addition to the forum as a member, and as a moderator. It just hasn't been the case yet on the public forum - excluding PM's.

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