


New Member
Intro said:
DiLLa said:
and just for the record deviant its not a shit cracker you fuckwad its soggy bc we all nutted on it...

"The home team has it's advantages. PuNx will just ban or delete you if you fuck with us. Nah..but we will shit on a cracker and make you eat it."

SOMEbody didn't eat their cracker!


intro the detective...on the scene mofos, best ta RECOGNIZE THAT SHIT!


New Member
Shadoutsu said:
DiLLa said:
since you are willing to feast on the ritual cracker i will unban you just ask a punx when you get in wheres your half of the soggy cracker :p

jerk you never offered the same to me....

i hate you

i never offered it to you shad cuz i forced it down your throat and you took it like a good lil school girl