Danny said:
Fridays Brawl Update was really good.. Specialy the music..

Snake looks pretty good.. Any thoughts?
It was discussed yesterday but anyway I think he looks awesome.
EDIT: And here's my Shadow the Hedgehog profile
Shadow The Hedgehog
Shadow is sonics rival and has always been his rival since he has been in the games, he is neither good or bad, he fights for things that he finds are right, he has been almost in every sonic game since Sonic adventure 2 and even stared in his own game called Shadow the Hedgehog (which tells us of his history) the latest being Sonic and the Secret rings as a party character unless if he is in Sonic rush Adventure which i doubt.
Normal Special Move (b)- Random Weapon from Shadow the Hedgehog, he gets different weapons each with a different ability, then press it again to use it, for example that sword with a purple light blade and that slash at them/a normal gun it just shoots bullets.
Side Special Move (b+</>)- Chaos spear, he shoots a spear full of light, the longer you charge it the more power.
Up Special Move (b+/)- Chaos Control, he teleports in any direction you choose.
Down Special Move (b+/)- Spin attack/Homing attack, if he is on the ground he spins on the spot but in the air it is a homing attack and heads to the closest person in range.
Grab (z)- he uses his hands to grab them, up grab is he throws them up and does a spin attack, side he throws them and rushes over and kicks them, down grab he throws them on the floor and spins into them.
Final Smash (FS)- Chaos Blast, a massive explosion happens and anyone in the range is KOed except him.
Shadow the Hedgehog deserves a place in Brawl because no one else have moves the same or similar to him, and he uses the power of chaos which makes him powerful but fast but he is easily knocked out, He is hard to master because of his different style of battling compared to the others, finally he fights for himself and maria which gives him the power to win.