Super Smash Bros. Brawl - WiiPros Official Thread

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New Member
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Just saw it, awesome again, and very funny.

Yeah it really is, Snake the big pervert XD

lol that was really funny, I hope they do one of them for all characters.

I think they might just do that, seeing as they've already done 4 characters.

Yeah, your probadly right, and if they do Nintendo will probadly make them really funny:)

Yeah they will, although I think some of the cooler characters (link) they'll do cool ones for them.

Or they'll do ones about fighting the bosses like Ganondorf and Bowser...


New Member
Snrecti said:
Or they'll do ones about fighting the bosses like Ganondorf and Bowser...

You'll probadly have to unlock the Snake scenarios by doing special tasks, don't you think?


New Member
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Or they'll do ones about fighting the bosses like Ganondorf and Bowser...

You'll probadly have to unlock the Snake scenarios by doing special tasks, don't you think?

Yeah probadly, like doing event matches and the like.


New Member
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Or they'll do ones about fighting the bosses like Ganondorf and Bowser...

You'll probadly have to unlock the Snake scenarios by doing special tasks, don't you think?

Yeah probadly, like doing event matches and the like.

Or maybe by doing the Home Run contest, anyway did you watch the 3rd one?


New Member
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Or they'll do ones about fighting the bosses like Ganondorf and Bowser...

You'll probadly have to unlock the Snake scenarios by doing special tasks, don't you think?

Yeah probadly, like doing event matches and the like.

Or maybe by doing the Home Run contest, anyway did you watch the 3rd one?

Its taking ages to load so I'm only watching it now, I'll tell you what I think in a sec...


New Member
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Or they'll do ones about fighting the bosses like Ganondorf and Bowser...

You'll probadly have to unlock the Snake scenarios by doing special tasks, don't you think?

Yeah probadly, like doing event matches and the like.

Or maybe by doing the Home Run contest, anyway did you watch the 3rd one?

Its taking ages to load so I'm only watching it now, I'll tell you what I think in a sec...

Cool, I'll be waiting here happily...


New Member
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Well its the best of the lot by far, absolutely hilarious from start to finish.

I know, even the opening line, "this guy kinda gives me the creeps" lol.

I know, I thought originally he was talking about someone else though.


New Member
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Well its the best of the lot by far, absolutely hilarious from start to finish.

I know, even the opening line, "this guy kinda gives me the creeps" lol.

I know, I thought originally he was talking about someone else though.

I thought he might be saying Pikachu. XD

lol I thought it might be DK.

Stupid monkey....XD

Anyway what about garlic breath XD XD XD


New Member
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Well its the best of the lot by far, absolutely hilarious from start to finish.

I know, even the opening line, "this guy kinda gives me the creeps" lol.

I know, I thought originally he was talking about someone else though.

I thought he might be saying Pikachu. XD

lol I thought it might be DK.

Stupid monkey....XD

Anyway what about garlic breath XD XD XD

Yeah that will probadly work like the flower right?


New Member
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Ryano said:
Snrecti said:
Well its the best of the lot by far, absolutely hilarious from start to finish.

I know, even the opening line, "this guy kinda gives me the creeps" lol.

I know, I thought originally he was talking about someone else though.

I thought he might be saying Pikachu. XD

lol I thought it might be DK.

Stupid monkey....XD

Anyway what about garlic breath XD XD XD

Yeah that will probadly work like the flower right?

Yeah I think so, should be really cool.
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