Super Smash Bros On VC


New Member
supersujay said:
if it comes out the same time as brawl u should not get it b/c brawl will have everything from the first one second one and lots more

thats exactly why i'm not getting it if it comes for vc.


New Member
Ryano said:
Please don't double post...

And it don't really matter to me when it comes out, cause I have it on the N64 already.

ya i also have the game for n64 but the problem is that i sold my n64 so i cant play


New Member
hockeyhero said:
supersujay said:
i would like the one for gamecube to come on vc and they add the interent feature

i dont think they'll ever add melee to vc...

agreed, the original was best, and brawl will be better! Face it, there's no need for a GC version.....besides.....I don't have any wii points and they would make the GC games 1500 most likely....


New Member
Luigi said:
hockeyhero said:
supersujay said:
i would like the one for gamecube to come on vc and they add the interent feature

i dont think they'll ever add melee to vc...

agreed, the original was best, and brawl will be better! Face it, there's no need for a GC version.....besides.....I don't have any wii points and they would make the GC games 1500 most likely....

no way...why would they sell a gc game for $40 at llike ebgames and stuff and on vc they sell it for 1500 points...that would never ever be possible