Suppressors love em or hate em


New Member
You can't beat the S3. I use it on the annoying sounding guns (FAMAS, M416's).. In those WOGL Rules rooms I use no silencer; The S1 is so horrible on automatics. Ironically, I can't reliably shoot a L96 with anything but a S1. Idk why.


New Member
I don't take the credit for this; I'm just reposting.


Suppressor Damage Reduction Test

It's true. Silencers do NOT reduce your damage by 10%. That's complete nonsense.

Yes, this was tested, several times.

I might post the parameters of the tests and screenshots some other time, I'm not sure.

Basically what I did was shoot with a silenced gun and an unsilenced of the exact same gun and recorded the hp differences and used a calculator to calculate the percentage.

It's not that simple, however. There are many complications. You cannot simply shoot the character, record hp, then switch weapons, then shoot again. Armor points decrease with each shot, so the second shot will take more damage than the first. There is also the factor of damage variation. Because of damage variation, this test was performed multiple times. There is also hitbox damage variation (different spots on the hitbox will take more damage than others). My test countered most of these complications.

Lol. When I tested SMG's, the damage differences didn't even show up. This is because of SMG's low damage. 3.65% of a low number cam be lower than 1. HP isn't rounded, it is always a whole number. Therefore, if you silenced an UZI it probably does almost the exact same damage as an unsilenced UZI. So, in terms of damage, silencing SMG's are probably more worth your while.

Don't believe me? Think about why a silenced L96 doesn't turn into m24 damage, and still 1hko's for 99% of the hitbox. Think about why you don't notice a your killing speed decrease significantly when you use a silencer.

By the way, I only tested for the S3 silencer. I apologize for this possibly relentless approach, but I doubt any of the silencers reduce different amounts of damage. S3 silencer is the only silencer that doesn't suck anyway.

S1 Silencer Recoil Redirection

The recoil on S1 silenced guns is a joke. If any of you have used S1 with a scope and payed attention before, you know what I'm talking about. S1 DOES NOT reduce recoil by 10% at all. Unless, you define "decreasing recoil" as making your aim on the gun jump randomly to the left or right. This was tested as well. S1 redirects the recoil to the left or right. For example, if you were spraying a S1 silenced UMP with a scope onto a wall, the second bullet would land either northeast or northwest of the original bullet. This is an easy test, you can even try this yourself by shooting at a wall. Just buy an S1, test it, then leave the game and take off the S1 and do the same thing. Note the path of the bullets. Normal recoil coming from a gun that is unsilenced or silenced by S2 or S3 allows the recoil to bounce straight up in an orderly fashion. S1 basically makes your bullet path go in zigzags. Your line of fire going sideways would probably work well if humans were shaped like horizontal sausages, but that is not the case. Humans are shaped like a long rod that is placed vertically. If you were trying to kill someone with an AR or SMG that is silenced with an S1, after several bullets you'd be shooting the space to the left or right of them. Normal recoil is almost perfect for the way your target is shaped. In other words, the S1 silencer in MOST cases is bad for your aim and your gun. Unless you are not a high enough rank to use other supressors, you should not use the S1. This does not apply to guns with an extremely low rate of fire, such as the L96.

S2 Silencer - My thoughts

Tracer bullet -30%? Not really. Maybe if people actually bothered looking at your bullet while it was flying in midair. The tracer bullet reduction is nearly if not entirely useless. However, if you have recently been promoted to Sergeant First Class (SFC), and are looking for a silencer that reduces the noise created from your shots that doesn't absolutely obliterate your ability to shoot, then you're in good hands. This silencer is much better than the S1.

S3 Silencer does not Reduce Muzzle flash by 50%

Most of you probably already know this. It reduces Muzzle flash by 100%. The S3 is a nice silencer, and it is highly recommended. It's additional effect/benefit (the varying effect/benefit found on all three silencers) is actually useful. The absence of muzzle flash can sometimes allow your opponent to think you're not shooting at him. This effect is amplified in larger games where gunfire is more prominent, and the sound of your fire is drowned out.
Silencers are a real mystery of Combat Arms. Many people have reported certain silencers having "hidden" effects on recoil, spread, etc. Many of these hidden effects are hard to test for. For all we know, silencers could do a whole lot more to our guns than we thought, and the game developer is not telling us this. We can all be sure, however, that Silencers do NOT do the things that are written in their item description.