Sword in the Sheath



New Member
Digi man, bob ;) much love to you. i'm really going to miss playing cz with you. every nite when i joined the server, i had double the fun when u played. hopefully ull drop in every once in awhile in the future ;) maybe u still want to help with the site eh? but seriously ill keep in touch on aim with u and maybe we can have a chat on the cell at some point

Keep on keeping on!

Dan Brown is great

so is brand new

*waves* 8)


New Member

Hey guys, sheesh, i feel special
all these replys for little old me? :D

I wanted to get this out but forgot, im not leavign entirely, ill still be here on the forums lurking in the shadows, and yes i can help anyone with anything (sprays,logos, websites). And Yes, ofcourse, I will stop in every now and again to play, i guess by retirement, i meant, i need to sotp playing 6 hours a day and get shit done, which i then meant to retire form KOT as well in that i wotn be so comitted, LOUD, ill always help the site and someday sooner or later ill be back in kot =P, i need to get a new car, and work out insurance and liscensing, the state of ohio is hell if u lose your liscense, and i wanted ot get out of my job, WHICH I DID! WOOOHOO 1 step at a time right? im working logistics for an art supply distributor, just call me tow-motor Bob, Haha! it makes me alot of money so i can get other shit going again so im stoked =P

thanks guys again for looking after me =P



New Member
sry you to see you go digi, but im happy your getting your life back, that is more important than gaming anyday....

if you ever get time make sure you come back and see us



New Member
Digi is full of shit. He just wanted some sympathy posts. I just played with him for like 1.5 hours. I think he's addicted to it and can't get away. I was in LA for one week and the first thing I wanted to do when I got back was play. I held off for 1 more day before giving in. Who needs to work on the first 10 pages of the 20 page senior thesis due tommorow when you have CZ?


New Member
deathgrip said:
:cry: :)
Aight Digi,
You brought me out and made me post you bastard. Figured I could make it through without posting but noooooo.

Well you made it out.... now why not post more??

If you would stop going on travel so much we might get some words of wisdom!!


DigitalSword is back and running... He has fixed things up and is seeing his OBGYN on a regular basis.


New Member
well shit man. haven't been around ya all that long, but in that short period of time you've proved to be a damn fine team mate, enemy, and person.

as of late, my mantra has been "the only constant is change, all things that begin must end". after all, it is the nature of things.

long winded post short....

rock out with your bad self, and don't let em tell you no. if they do, smack em cuz they're lieing to ya.

if'n you need anything from the dirty south, him me up(email and messengers are listed under this account) and we'll get a gang of good ol' boys to the rescue.

all manner of blessings and wisdom
aka giantchocolatebunnyofdeath


New Member
AIght Wormmy old slimey bastard. That was my last trip for the year so Ill start giving words of wisdom only not sure you will absorb the information. Us old bastards dont learn new things quickly. LOL
And I told DIGI to quit playing with his sheath and his score would get better. He just wont let go of that thing.


New Member

Sup guy,

Thought id give you all a late-night update on wth is up in my neck of the woods, to put it stright, things r looking up and there alot better than when i first posted this thread, jeez thats was way back in march, so much has changed since then, but so much still needs to change, as of today im officially at (0) with money, which is great cause i was def in the red for a while, and my bday just passed, so im 22, im fukn old! I got a second job for Allied moving lines, its a national joint, but a great job, i bring home 150 a day at that place which is pimp on top of my other shit. Ill get that nice spiffy car real soon and ocme visit u in Slip rock dev.

Some bad things:

I seem to have lost all my friends minus a select 3-4 and u guys and my fam, not a soul called on my bday(which had me torqued), but it never fails that my damned ex shoudl text me(god what a bitch), and then loudboy, good ole loud, first guy to tell me happy bday and i even got an e-card from him, kinda scary but man, much love. Good Lookin.

A couple of weeks ago one of my friends died, and this was tough, maybe u guys can talk em through this one as im still reeling from it all.

the kids name is jay, and he was my best friend from kindergarten till like 6th grade, but even when we split we were cool, ya know? and all these years i guess wed bump into each other in the hall or at a party, shti i even sold him some weed once, anyway when wed see each other it was always a flash in the eyes of "hey, sup man" we were just that tight, god man we did everythign together, made forts, shot crows in the cornfield with our bb guns, fourwheelers dirtbikes, little league, birthdays, the works. and then we graduated, and i didnt see him for a food two years or so till he moved in with some friends of ours and theyd have massive parties there and id see him and it was that same look and i dunno it was just cool, I mean I saw him 3 weeks ago, right before he got his goddamn bike that got him killed, and it just makes me so mad. Ugh, it just eats me up thinking about it, anyway thats been the reason for my demeanor lately, ive just been very pissy but im working it out.
I always do. Its hard to say goodbye to a friend. I get so attatched, i live through my family and my friends, and its hard.

Grrr i need sleep

Much Love


New Member
Glad to hear your finances are looking up Dig. Sorry to hear about your friend. I'm not very good at saying comforting things so I won't. Just know that we all care about you here.


New Member
While you guys were on Cz my life was a dark epty void and i cotemplated the world's core being a firefly and the moon as a giant coconut and the sun as a palm tree and then i realized anything is possible in philophy


New Member
Billy youre a fucking crackhead.

Use MS Word or something before you type, or for fucks luck take youre goddamn time!


New Member
Psst...It's "your" not "youre". ...lol.

Anyway, glad to here things are better for you digital. I know what you went through, believe me, I've been there and I'm still getting out of it. I spent 2 years living in my mothers basement, jobless and friendless. Then I made the decision to get the hell out of that situation, and look where I am now. I'm going into the United States Army. I can sympathize though, the hell you go through when you lose your independance, and shut yourself up like that. Depression just seems like too small a word to describe it. All it takes is a real desire to get better to fix any situation though. I'm glad to hear you made that choice. Good luck to you bro, and happy belated birthday.


New Member
hmm... your = 2nd person posessive
you're = you are

Billy your a crackhead
Billy you're (you are) a crackhead.

Grammer is gay,