the best and worst thing of wii


New Member
wiipointsmaster said:
best= it is so amazingly fun,virtual console,and online

worst= no dvd player,not much better graphics than gamecube

i think the graphics are a bit of an improvement


New Member
Gdog said:
wiipointsmaster said:
best= it is so amazingly fun,virtual console,and online

worst= no dvd player,not much better graphics than gamecube

i think the graphics are a bit of an improvement

Yeah me too, some people don't think the graphics are much better then the Cubes but there better then what people give them credit for...


New Member
Best: Excellent value console, high standard of games, fun for everyone!
Worst: Titles perhaps not enough for the hardcore gamer market. Nintendo should also promote the console and titles more aggressively.


New Member
guilherme said:
Best thing is the way of playing games, interaging with it. Worst thing? The games, sadly there are just few of them.

Yeah I'd have to afree, oh and if you don't mind me asking....why are you bringing up all these old threads?