The first WiiWare titles you plan to buy!

Given a points card on WiiWare launch day in May what would you buy?

For me:
Defend Your Castle for sure.
Then maybe Plattchen OR Gravitronix plus one of the others I'm stoked for. :D

All I know is, I'm tracking many titles and choosing which to buy first will require forethought. You?
FFCC doesn't appeal to me, tbh. I've never been a FF fan and I'm not changing my mind with this, especially since it's 1500 Points and that's too much imo, and Plattchen has a better concept anyhow, in my books.


Lol, Mario Kart. It will be getting its own channel, but it's still not WiiWare ;)

Mine would probably be Plattchen too! As you say KS, it's concept sounds intriguing!! :D


New Member
Probably nothing at first, I'm trying to save my wii points.

BTW, knuckles_sonic8, do you go to I seem to remember your name as a contributor there.

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