The Great Troll War Mod


New Member
Food for thought:

TerranUp16's birthday: 23 March 1990. 16 years old.
A professional game designer at age 16. He has not graduated from a post-secondary institute, nor does he have a high-school diploma. Hell, he doesn't even have A+ or MCSE certification. Not even profession training in project management, or human resources. But what he is educated in is not in question. It's what he claims.

How could he possibly manage to work on at least one other game project on top of GTW, do well in high-school, and manage to keep a healthy social life with friends and family? Simple answer: He can't. It's impossible. At least one of those activities have to be thrown out. The real professionals in the video game industry only work on one project (two at most) at a time. A single project requires the full attention of a person in a team environment over a period of 20 - 30 months. That person doesn't go to school, puts in extra hours at home, and barely has time for his/her friends and family. Do you really think that you, a high-school student, can consider yourself a "professional game designer" when you're working on a mod for a game? Hell, you're not even being paid for it (and if you are, that's illegal and you could be heavily fined).

A professional is one that makes a living using his/her skills in exchange for money. TerranUp16, you are not a professional game designer. You are a professional student, and a mod maker.


New Member
You sure someone else just isn't using his name and the key? I wouldn't have put it by R0khan to have given it to someone else a month ago, especially since he was pissed at you then. There's no possible way it's him now.


New Member
hey Werewulf, u can mail Blizz and make them send u a new cdkey but Ill cost u 10 dolars...nothings perfect, I can giv u details if u want