The Hatching Egg Thing...


New Member
Puzzle Pirates? Never heard of it...
I guess you're right carbo. Buying and reselling is a bad economy, and the economy is mostly why I hate Neopets. There, you cannot get ahead without money. It's all you have. So it sucks majorly.


New Member
Is there any way to figure out what will hatch? [/b]
Yes, go to the site and look for past eggs. You know it won't be any of those so anything else is possible.

I never played neopets. Well I made a creature but couldn't be bothered to put in the effort to work out the rest and never got past that. But I think I will take a firey egg, just to see if what comes out is going to be as cool as the egg. Although it probably won't be.


New Member
I usually never know it for sure :p

This does remind of a test/exam I've had recently. Though it had a big event happening before it, I'll skip that. The point of what I tried to say was that one of the last assignments involved that you had to count your way up (in days) from 6 Januari to somewhere in June. The problem was that hardly anyone knew how many days a month had, including myself.


New Member
I have the same problem, i never know which month got 31 days and which has 30. And when February got 29 days and when 28. :p I checked today and its 2 days, not 1 till the egg hatches.


New Member
And by the way: i had a Tamagotchi thing for some time. A dino. I grew it in 4 different ways, from its birth to its death of hunger.(i couldnt feed it when it grew into final form for its diet) Also another was with normal animals. Though it was much harder than the dino.


New Member
It's march the first here right now and the eggs look the same to me. here's a jingle that helps me every time.

30 days have September, April, June and November. All the rest have 31.

and weather Feb has 28 or 29, if the year is divisible by 4 it's most likely a leap year. There are some exceptions, like the change of the century or millenium, can't remember, but they do that cos the year is slightly less than 365.25 days.

More useless info: If each month had 28 days, we would have 13 of them and there would be 1 or 2 days left over. (depending on leap year or not.) So why don't we? we used to. The knights templar were attacked on friday the thirteenth and ever since then 13 has been an unlucky number.

That's enough from me.



New Member
ive heard that one plenty of times xerid, and with them electronic pet tamagochi thingys... i just find anything you gotta look after so annoying.....