The Iceman Cometh


New Member
The name's Raj, aka Iceman. I changed my name to Delta 38 for about 2 weeks because I'd been playing republic commando. In fact, if you look at the screenshot of the last day at PuNx cz (about a year ago when the server shut down for a month) I'm on it under that name.

I started playing CS about 3 years ago when I went to band camp (actually, orchestra camp but whatever) and my billet was part of a CAL clan for 1.6. So he let me play a few rounds and I watched him scrim, and it was awesome. So, a few months later I bought CZ and I happened to notice PuNx (nothing special, i just happened to see it). I noticed two things:
1) All the guys on it were pretty cool
2) There were players of all levels playing on it.
Then, some turd went and Tk'd me after leaving spawn so he could pick up my m4. At that point, one of the admins (I think it was Dirty) slapped him around, burried him, and then kicked him. I realized then that this was an awesome server.
Been coming back ever since then. I was really sad when the server went down and I was having to play on suxor servers. Then, one day when I was refreshing my favourites, I noticed PuNx was back up! Woot!

Started posting on the forums, tried out for PuNx (didn't get in cause I was so noobish back then), but I kept at it, and then got recruited into Kot. I remember medic saying during my recruitment process "Ok Iceman, if you can kill me or Jacob next round, you'll definately be in". And what happens, deagle headshot both of 'em.
Then I was made full member of KoT, which later formed with L&R to become LrK and so the story comes to present day.

A little about me. 19 year old university student. Bio major (might switch to microbiology though). Canadian in BC, born and bred. I'm Indian, like Curry, and LOVE to play and watch Cricket. I play the cello which is my pride and joy (got a new one for my 18th birthday, a Japanese made Ashiya, beautiful sound). I also play B-ball, baseball, and squash.

I want to give a shout out to PuNx (especially omni, dirty, and indel) for making such an awesome server, my LrK's for letting me be part of their clan, and all the PuNx regulars who make it such an awesome server.

Stay frosty. 8)


New Member
SuXoR said:
{Iceman} said:
I was having to play on suxor servers.

hey! wtf? :p

Sorry Suxor, i didn't mean Suxor like you, i meant suxor (notice no capital) as in a server that sux, but sux so much that it suxor. Actually, after consulting the 1337-speak dictionary, i should have said:
"I was having to play on suxorz servers"

Hope that clears it up :p

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