The Legacy of Kelendras


New Member
Does anyone have the song "A Call To Arms" that blizzard had for their wc3 preview? I can't download it for some reason, and I might want to use it for my game.


New Member
Good thing I saw this on time!

Ah, yes, seeing your campain, I wated to help out in any way I can. Pm me if you need any help.


New Member
I've got that song (call to arms) on my comp,but its in Mp3 format not Wav so you'll need to convert it and I don't know how to send it,do u have msn?


New Member
Actually, I would prefer it to be in mp3. You can send it to me at my email adress,

And maper/starting modeler, I might call on you for help, but maybe at a different time...
I don't suppose you have any experience with animating, do you?


New Member
(sigh), well, it looks like I can't do this campaign. I've been forced to delete all of my modeling stuff, (not by my own choice, btw) so I can't really do anything for this campaign. If I ever start it up again, it will likely be years from now...

this really sux. :(


New Member
Well, sorry to keep jumping between quitting and continuing here, but guess what.... I persuaded my parents to let me reinstall all of my modeling stuff. So yeah, since I lost all of my models for the original "Legacy of Kelendras", I remade them, only this time, its a little different- Kelendras is now just a normal elf, and the story starts out when the Alliance is fighting the horde on Draenor at the end of WC2. His friend, Falanor, gets back to Azeroth in time to avoid the explosion, but Kelendras doesn't escape. Luckily, he survives.
Another important character is Kazragore Demonsbane, chieftain of the Searing Axe clan, who fought against Gul'Dan when he betrayed the horde, and is also the one who springs Doomhammer out of prison. I'm still not sure how I will intermix his story with Kelen's.

Once I've got more of my story ready, I'll update it in the first post. I've already stuck a few pictures of my newest models in there.

Oh yeah, one more thing, Moagrim, could you send me that song plz, either by e-mail at, or just PM me or something, but I reeeaaallly need it. thnx

P.S. Do you guys think I should put my new models in the download section? I wasn't planning on making them available until after I finished my campaign, in case I decided to edit them in any way, but what do you guys think?


New Member
Well I doubt anyone would go and make the campaign with your models (stealers are usually lazy) but you don't want them to be used before you make your "big release", cause there's nothing big about it if there are no new models..


New Member
Well I doubt anyone would go and make the campaign with your models (stealers are usually lazy) but you don't want them to be used before you make your "big release", cause there's nothing big about it if there are no new models..
that is very true if everone had your models then you had your campaign with them i dont know they would look old.


New Member
Wow, you guys are smart. :yay: You must be experienced with this thing.

Lol, I like it when you say "big release". I don't think this is gonna be the best game in the world. It's not a new mod or anything, like GTW, but it actually will have some unique elements, i guess.

So i've been trying to remake my Eredar paladin model, but I need your guys' opinion on something- I'm trying to make the model by transfering animations from different models to the Eredar model, and I found one that was perfect, except that he dissapears in his walk animation. Do you guys think I should just leave the animations alone and make him something like a priest instead, or what? Maybe have someone else make an Eredar Paladin model for me?


New Member
Hmm, maybe I won't even have the eredar paladin.

Anyway, I've updated the story, or, at least as much of it as I am willing to reveal before I release the game. I'm also going to update the combat system as soon as I can figure out the triggers to make it work.