Well, sorry to keep jumping between quitting and continuing here, but guess what.... I persuaded my parents to let me reinstall all of my modeling stuff. So yeah, since I lost all of my models for the original "Legacy of Kelendras", I remade them, only this time, its a little different- Kelendras is now just a normal elf, and the story starts out when the Alliance is fighting the horde on Draenor at the end of WC2. His friend, Falanor, gets back to Azeroth in time to avoid the explosion, but Kelendras doesn't escape. Luckily, he survives.
Another important character is Kazragore Demonsbane, chieftain of the Searing Axe clan, who fought against Gul'Dan when he betrayed the horde, and is also the one who springs Doomhammer out of prison. I'm still not sure how I will intermix his story with Kelen's.
Once I've got more of my story ready, I'll update it in the first post. I've already stuck a few pictures of my newest models in there.
Oh yeah, one more thing, Moagrim, could you send me that song plz, either by e-mail at
tleman@cox.net, or just PM me or something, but I reeeaaallly need it. thnx
P.S. Do you guys think I should put my new models in the download section? I wasn't planning on making them available until after I finished my campaign, in case I decided to edit them in any way, but what do you guys think?