This is as sick as you can get. ADULTS ONLY


New Member
Actually, this video was Sesame Street compared to what I just watched. Any notions I had about "gruesome", "disturbing", and "desensitization" went out the window, along with any desire I had to play CZ. Yes, that's right, I've quit CZ (don't bother requesting my CD key, I've already promised it to someone). It's not really that I find anything wrong with the game itself, I just can't, in my right mind, continue to play it.
Anyway, just wanted to say I had a great time playing here and pwning all of you. Keep up the good work. Over and out.


New Member
Dirty said:
well thats what happens when you let a horse stick 2 feet of cock up your ass man!

fucking hell... thats not cool man!


o my fucking god...omni i will take heed to your warnings from now on...sad part is i knew it was gonna be terrible but curiousity forced me to look...i can safely say i have never seeen anything that disturbing...and all this time i thought these girls takn it hardcore in the ass were that faggot is king trooper when it comes to anal destruction


New Member
Lock102 said:
Actually, this video was Sesame Street compared to what I just watched. Any notions I had about "gruesome", "disturbing", and "desensitization" went out the window, along with any desire I had to play CZ. Yes, that's right, I've quit CZ (don't bother requesting my CD key, I've already promised it to someone). It's not really that I find anything wrong with the game itself, I just can't, in my right mind, continue to play it.
Anyway, just wanted to say I had a great time playing here and pwning all of you. Keep up the good work. Over and out.

Wait a minute.....explain yourself.


New Member
So I was just jacking around online last night, watching videos on some random site. I tend to just scroll down and watched everything.

Skater faceplants into concrete (ouch)
Newscast farts on air (hehe)
Hot chick deepthroats a banana (wow)
Nepalese hostage executions (...)

Now, I've seen just about every horrible thing there is to see out there, and I always feel for anyone who has to go through these things. Sometimes I feel sad, other times angry, but for the most part I go unphased. This video (and no, I will not link it here) is probably the most detailed example of man's inhumanity to man. After watching it, there are just way too many connections to parts of this game for me to continue playing. Maybe that's a good thing though. It proves, at least to me, that I can still be affected.

10 63 [Lo3]-||-Intro 30 20 1.50 1168.18 :wink:


New Member
Yes you were affected by viewing REAL life horror. There are many nasty, fucked up individuals in the world. I do my best to avoid them.

However CZ is just a video game. I don't think it desensitizes you to violence.


New Member
dude there are so many shoot em games now why would you even relate it...these new army games coming out are worse they even have locations where we still are and you have to go throu and infiltrate...anyways sorry it affected you like that it definately is horrible but i love cz! lol uhh sumtimes


New Member
Yea Lock102......I've decided after reading your post that I don't want to see it. Glad you didn't post it if it had that much effect on you. Stick with the game man!!!!!! I guarantee you that you can be as cruel as you want with me and the worst thing that can happen is you get banned :twisted: Nobody walks away hurt except for the feelings of the guys listed in the banned section. Pretty mild shit if you ask me. Ok, so now you have to tell me what your name means.


New Member
I know it's just a game and all, but right now I don't think I can look at the AK or knife and just think "game". Maybe it's for good, maybe it's just a break. I guess it's back to the RPGs for now though.

Intro, look for Memnoch. I know I've mentioned this before, but only in passing. Memnoch is the name I have on Psychostats because it has the most uses. Locke102 (Yes, I missed an "e") is the name I post with because it was my FPS name when I started playing. And if you've played late at night recently, you maybe saw me as -~Evermind~-. If you find me on Psychostats (I'm at 40 right now), you can see many of the names I've used here on PuNx. It only keeps the top 20 though.