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lu1g1 said:they were also on ps2 though wiipointsmaster...
they were also on ps2 though wiipointsmaster...wiipointsmaster said:Jesusdragon737 said:in that "article" in the link he says: "we’re a long way off deciding what platforms it’ll be on." I don't know what in that makes you all think it's definitely going to be for the wii. He said it's possible, but it's not confirmed. And all of you who are excited for TS4, here's a link to a teaser for it: http://www.frd.co.uk/timesplitters4/videos.php
they most likely are going to make it for the wii because the other 3 were on gamecube so it only makes sense to put the new one on the wii.
ya i know i didnt say it was only on the gamecube but i am just trying to say that since it was on gamecube that it will most likely be on wii.