Tips On How To Go Positive


New Member
This is A Tutorial/Tips Thread On How To Go Positive In Combat Arms.

  • Part I: Guns
  • Part II: Maps And Objects
  • Part III: Sound
  • Part IV: Aim
  • Part V: Sniping
  • Part VI: Credits
Part I: Guns

First Gun: G36E
  • Firing Modes: Automatic
  • Medium Recoil
  • Medium - High Damage
  • Sight - Optional Add-On (Purchase)
  • Overall - Close/Long Range Assault Weapon, Medium - High Damage, Medium Recoil. A Very Good Gun Both Close And Long Range.

Second Gun: M4A1
  • Firing Modes: Automatic
  • Low Recoil
  • Medium - High Damage
  • Sight - Optional Add-On (Purchase)
  • Overall - Close/Long Range Assault Weapon, Medium - High Damage, Low Recoil. A Very Good Gun Both Close And Long Range. A Very Good Gun. A Common Favorite Among Low Ranks.

Third Gun: L96A1
  • Firing Modes: Bolt Action
  • Medium Recoil
  • Max Damage
  • Sight - Optional Add-On (Purchase)
  • Overall - Long Range Sniper Rifle With Max Damage and Medium Recoil. The Most Commonly Used Sniper Rifle. Haven't Used It Myself.

These Are The Recommended Guns To Use To Go Positive. After Your Familiar With A lot Of Guns Its Up To Your Style To Determine Which Gun You Use.

Part II: Maps And Objects

This Part May Help You Lower Your Death Count.

Wondering why you are getting so many deaths in the game? Well, the most important things are to ALWAYS stick to the edges of the map, make sure if your going to move to another part of the map you know it is safe and you will have cover once you get there, the most important thing to being good at Combat Arms is your intelligence to the game, know the maps, know the good cover spots, and most of all, know the spots people will rush and spam grenades.

Part III: Sound

Sound in Combat Arms and many other FPS games are a very important key to knowing where your enemy is, if you are on a metal surface and you hear foot steps on metal, well then you better get ready because you have an enemy coming straight for you, some speakers have surround sound in them or you can have a surround sound setup to maximize your game play. Use your speakers or if you have headphones thats even better.

As you can see here, the player heard the enemy player on the sand like surface above, he then knew to stick to the corners and get ready to shoot, this is how you get better, use the sound around you to your advantage!

Part V: Sniping

Sniping in any FPS game requires skill, dedication and patience, if you do not have those attributes or are not willing to learn then I suggest you skip this part.

There isn't too much to tell you about sniping that will improve your skills, once again it is pretty much practice, what I will do though is tell you a widely used technique for sniping that will improve your sniping skills.

The best technique in sniping is called by most players, "quick scoping". When your moving with a sniper aimed or not aimed and you shoot the shot will go off, making it very inaccurate. If you see a enemy moving toward you and he sees you, you have about three seconds before you're dead, this means you would have to scope, aim, and shoot within three seconds. This is where the very useful but frustrating technique comes in, it takes lots of practice and a high sensitivity. The basic formula for it is: See the enemy, stop, crouch, aim, shoot, Before he shoots back. using this technique as a sniper will make it very hard, but VERY useful and will eventually improve your aim where you will barely miss a shot.

Remember, becoming a better sniper is all about dedication and patience.

Part VI: Credits

Creation Of Thread/Tutorial: King3vil

Screenshots: I got the pics off another site that i am a member on.

Please Let Me Know If Any Of The Information Is Incorrect And I Will Fix It Accordingly.

Please +Rep Me If This Helped As I Did Put A Lot Of Time And Effort Into This Just To Help All Of You.

Elite SEAL

Second Gun: M4A1
  • Firing Modes: Automatic
  • Low Recoil
  • Medium - High Damage
  • Sight - Optional Add-On (Purchase)
  • Overall - Close/Long Range Assault Weapon, Medium - High Damage, Low Recoil. A Very Good Gun Both Close And Long Range. A Very Good Gun. A Common Favorite Among Low Ranks.[/IMG[/QUOTE]

cool. Though -how is the M4 "a common favorite among low ranks"? I mean, what are you really comparing it to? -The G36 noob rifle?:rolleyes: THAT gun is common among low ranks


New Member
well almost every player with the rank of PVT or lower that ive been in a match with use that M4, it wasn't a comparison but more of an observation.

anyway, what do you think of the tut?

Elite SEAL

well almost every player with the rank of PVT or lower that ive been in a match with use that M4, it wasn't a comparison but more of an observation.

anyway, what do you think of the tut?

the wat? and I guess you just have had coincidence after coincidence with the M4 lol -I hate how it seems like in every elim match -there's like a private with a G36 Noob Rifle -I like to call it the G36E NAROC -G36E Noob Assault Rifle Of Choice. lolz


New Member
the wat? and I guess you just have had coincidence after coincidence with the M4 lol -I hate how it seems like in every elim match -there's like a private with a G36 Noob Rifle -I like to call it the G36E NAROC -G36E Noob Assault Rifle Of Choice. lolz

lol, thats a good one, G36E NAROC hahaha. but really all i see PVT and lower using are m4a1, ak 47 and ak74. ima try the g36e tho just to see what all the hype is among the noobs.


Active Member
well almost every player with the rank of PVT or lower that ive been in a match with use that M4, it wasn't a comparison but more of an observation.

anyway, what do you think of the tut?

not really. most low ranking people stray away from it because it looks similar to the m16 which when your a low rank is your worst enemy as most "noobs" would see it because it compares little to nothing to other guns, but when you get better it becomes more as a back up incase you run outa ammo or have to reload in the middle of a fire fight.

Elite SEAL

lol, thats a good one, G36E NAROC hahaha. but really all i see PVT and lower using are m4a1, ak 47 and ak74. ima try the g36e tho just to see what all the hype is among the noobs.

k, are you sure you see a lot of AK 74? Cause I haven't seen one a few months ago, and I've been pretty active now. I've seen tons of AK 47s.

not really. most low ranking people stray away from it because it looks similar to the m16 which when your a low rank is your worst enemy as most "noobs" would see it because it compares little to nothing to other guns, but when you get better it becomes more as a back up incase you run outa ammo or have to reload in the middle of a fire fight.

yeah, I know when I first started -I was like -who would want to buy another M16, but then one of my old clan mates got me interested.


Interesting... I started playing this game using the G36... I then moved to playing with scoped M4s, and a L96 as secondary. I have learned to quick scope, but I do not use the crouch (i'm not that fast)... the ability to understand the flow of the game in a certain map is key (this is enhanced by being able to hear your surroundings) and using tactics and positional play, which intern rewards you with a positive KDR. So, pretty much spot on basics king.


New Member
Most noobs stay away from the M4.

hell. I didn't use any of the above. I didn't start using the L96 until recently. I used the SR-25.

The AK takes a bit of effort to get used to. Didn't see that all that much either. Mostly the G36, M16, the shotties and the occasional LMG.

Elite SEAL

Most noobs stay away from the M4.

hell. I didn't use any of the above. I didn't start using the L96 until recently. I used the SR-25.

The AK takes a bit of effort to get used to. Didn't see that all that much either. Mostly the G36, M16, the shotties and the occasional LMG.

I pretty much stuck to the M16, and the L96, but mostly I would use the MSG 90 for sniping -I would pwn people with it on Two Towers and stuff. I didn't get introduced to the M4 until like a few months ago -and I was like staff sgt. 2 then, I'm staff sgt. 3 now.

I still mostly stick with the M16 -but I think I'm gonna get into using the FAMAS -heard its a good gun.


New Member

not really. most low ranking people stray away from it because it looks similar to the m16 which when your a low rank is your worst enemy as most "noobs" would see it because it compares little to nothing to other guns, but when you get better it becomes more as a back up incase you run outa ammo or have to reload in the middle of a fire fight.

i agree, im alway running out of of ammo cus no one ever kills me ^^
im the kinda guy you see bunny hopping around Junk Flea pwning you so hard you mums telling you to stop swearing, and youre like 40 :O lol

i always used to have the m4 as backup, but i once ran into a little GP trouble, so u just buy a UMP, silence it, use the m16 as backup, and go play firetema to get the shamagh xD
then its off to rape you fast and hard


New Member
Started sniping today
im hella good at it i was 23 and 3 at snow valley. i ran out of ammo alot thoguh lol so i ran around looking for snipers on the ground lol!

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