Tomb Raider Anniversary Wii



New Member
would be nice if they had some new features... i can see that rotating the wiimote will change the camera angle already... if you play the pc demo, the mouse controls the camera angle.. and you auto lock on which sucks


New Member
it's basically a remake of tombraider 1... if you have that... and are a die hard tombraider fan...

well i might get it.... love tombraider... maybe play a pc demo first to see if you would like it


New Member
I've got it for PS2 and It's great, I found it funny that I'd played all Tomb raiders (except Angel of darkness) and Anniversary is the only one I've completed


New Member
angel of darkness wasn't the best of tombraiders... so count yourself lucky...
so are they any confirmed extra features for the wii?


New Member
i don't know, maybe. But it's also coming out on xbox 360, so i hope the xbox version doesn't get extras the wii doesn't have.


New Member
Gdog said:
ive never played this game before. but if its anything like the movies, then ill play it

no tomb raider game is ever like the films... the story is so much better... what they squash into a film is nothing compared to the games story lines


New Member
but the only thing that you may not like is the lock on system... lara locks onto her targets automatically... meaning you hardly ever miss