Top 5 books.

all i have to say is ROFL @ that shit in high school

1. Dragonlance Triligy (the one actually about the lances)
2. Eragon & Eldest (waiting on the third)
3. War of the Souls triligy (Dragonlance)
4. Macbeth (thats right Shakespeare)
5. 1984


New Member
1) theHobbit by J.R.R Tolkien (much better than LOTR, you will not find a finer book)

2) The Cobra Event (just, wow)

3) Chronicles of Narnia Series(movies sucked ass)

4) Malcolm X

5) Dark Tower Series by Steven King

Angels&Demons/DaVinci Code by Dan Brown (Both excellent reads)


New Member
Much agreed on The Hobbit note - it's like all that long shit summed up in one much shorter book.

And you get to say the name "Bilbo" a lot in your head.


New Member
I was reading the dark tower books when they were being released but around #4 he took way too long and lost my interest in the series. I want to wait till more are out then I will start over and read them again for a few months. I think The Drawing of the Three was fantastic read by King. Normally his books are boring long drawn out descriptions but for the Dark Tower it comes off better.


New Member
Deviant said:
I'm reading Angels and Demons and it's a great book. It's the prequel to the Da Vinchi Code and I've been told Angels and Demons is a better book. I plan on reading the Da Vinchi Code after I finish A and D, which will be in about 3 days.

Yeah i bought the book on tuesday and i'm almost done. My mom told me A and D was a good book also and she jsut finished it. I think that'll be my next book.


New Member
has anyone read this?

or do you know a good history book?



New Member
LOL you guys make me remember all this shit ive read that i didnt realize. Hypnos My top 5 has 3 of yours particular order.

1. Lord of the Rings--if you've seen the movies and havent read these do it immediately. You get a much better insight into the characters and you even get to try and figure out how all the songs would sound.

2. On The Road--Kerouac...great for the road tripper in all of us.

3. Siddhartha--very nice read, short, to the point, and full of wisdom.

4. Catcher in the Rye--Salinger. I didnt like this one til the 2nd or 3rd read. ya phonies.

5. Shooter--Jack Coughlin. This isnt one of my "favorites" but i figure many of you would like it. Im reading it right now. Its written by an ex-marine sniper. Its about all his assignments and the war in Iraq. Its not extremely well-written but is interesting enough.


New Member
1.The wheel of time-Robert Jordan
2.LSD - My Problem Child-Albert Hofmann
3.When the Shoe Fits -osho
4.The Book of Nothing: Hsin Hsin Ming-osho
5.Dialogos-a platon