

New Member
Hey, I decided to join a CA forum just to talk about CA. But I didnt feel like joining Nexon's forum, so I joined here. though, I noticed I already had an account, so im here.

My in-game name is MikeyC09 I despise hackers, and I find glitchers noobs who cant get any kills without hiding in a wall. Ive been playing CA for awhile now, I play everyday, and youll most likely find me on Alpha or Bravo server, CH's 1,2, or 3 (depending on if their full or not) and usually I play on Rattlesnake (I own at sniping there, best map I do with sniping.),

I have a clan named Tactical Response Team [T.R.T], but the reasons I dont really add anyone is:
1. I have the Clan Website Which can be found Here
2. I do clan matches, due to the fact that im clan Leader
3. The T.R.T Clan has Almost the Same Setup as the U.S Navy Seals.

So, sending in a app will get you into a clan that At Least 6 Players of the S.E.A.L.S Squad

Anyway, thats me... Hope to see you guys ingame some time

P.S - I Couldnt think of a Intro so i copyed parts :p

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