uh oh this cant be good....



New Member
Okay, so you guys can't complain:

I wake up at 5:45 AM. I leave my house at 6:45 AM for school, which doesn't start until 8:30 (my bus leaves another school at 7:20, and we have to go around the Capital Beltway, in the amazing DC Suburb traffic). School lasts until 3:50 PM, and I don't get home until about 5 PM, doing homework most of the night until I sleep. Around 10 at the earliest. Later, occasionally.


New Member
Oh, I'm not complaining. Except that it takes a while until I fully wake up - the earlier I wake up, the longer it takes to wake up fully for me - I am not really complaining. Moaning a few times: "it's cold!" or "I'm tired! It's too early!" and of course your eternal: "This is torturing!" those are quite good subjects to talk about early in the morning... yeah, they sure are.

But as long as I have my friends to talk to in the bus, a girl I like in the train and my mini-radio while at the station, I really don't mind it too much... except when it's cold... like today. Agh... I'm cold...


New Member
i dont want to go to school!
it starts tomorrow..
i was crying...
i dont want to go dammit! no! im staying right f*ckin here and no one takin me! im not goin!


New Member
*scratches the back of his head*
I still haven't figured out why everyone hates school with such passion :p I'm quite fond at school, I'm just not so fond on an amount of teachers.

watch ebay closely, you might see a teacher -_-'


New Member
i ..dont get u...well i guess its to do with personal things i guess..like if someones got bullies..or has a job and they are goin good so far but busy..or if that person is just called plain old crazy.. =/


New Member
None of those you said, Wulf. Though one of them did play a small role, because I was being paid for writing, though that isn't the reason why I liked going to school. :p
I always have a good reason to go to school for... and as long as that reason still remains, I enjoy school a lot.

Though I must admit that I only recently started to enjoy school again. For some reason, I need a very long time (much longer than the average, according to a little official research) to adjust to unfamiliar places. Though that counts for forums as well.


New Member
I guess I can find myself a bit in that. Though the waking up early is quite common for me, even if I don't have school. Except in the weekend, I tend to wake up early to hear the morning program on the radio :p

Returning home truly is a pain, yeah. Most of the time, I'm stuck in the bus with a classmate of mine I find... quite annoying. In the beginning of the school year, I had some good times because a girl I used to talk to was a lot with the bus as well. Nowadays, she uses the train, and I have no intention of waiting for the train for such a long time -_-'

Homework is something I haven't done in years. Either I finish it during class, and if I didn't manage to do that, then I don't finish it at all.


New Member
I'm with fladian on the homework thing. I went to skool for my friends and they made it worth going, i think you'll find that grade 12 is much more fun then the ones before it, wulf. though it might be different way down there in vic.


New Member
Well, everyone reacts differently on homework and school as well. I'd probably make homework what I think I am in need of, but that just hasn't been the case the last fifteen years.
What kid of school do you guys have? Seriously.
School starts sept. 9 here.
I start winter breack on Dec. 22 - ends Jan 3.
Spring break starts in april...
Ehh, those are my major breaks..