Undead Lives has 1000 posts!

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New Member
You could do that, Ben :p

Werewulf, what you say is true, but right now, no one is even close to the post count of Raging and the one of my own.


New Member
Soon someone will reach my post count seing as I dont feel like posting much atm. Just look at Ben he posts *cough* spams *cough* like a train at the moment :)


New Member
i spam? just cause i post alot... no no no spamming is more like just posting some random stuff like

gfn4ryh0n3a-j[bnaenh(as i would call a key board fit)
yesterday i went home then i came back from home and went away from the computer (somthing that makes no sense at all)

also i edited the title =\


New Member
Ha, nice touch ben.
And yes, just because some people post a lot does not mean they are spamming. Actually, a lot of spammers will spam for a while, get bored, and stop. Which puts their post count in the middle.
Or if they are really bad, they get banned.


New Member
this thread is very revoloutional. we should celebrate evey year on the date this thread was made.

wow, qouting myself feels so good. when i say that i mean sarcasim, this thread is the opposite.


New Member
GOD! So much spam on this site... I see everyone spams around here: both mods and users. Alrighty then! Let the spamming begin!

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