War and George Bush

:\ Why is America still at war? Wasn't George Bush's plan in Iraq and the Middle East to stay there until they restored their government and armies? Well,they have been restored for over a year now!And you know what?The U.S. armies are still there! WAKE UP FREAKIN AMERICA!!!! You should leave the middle east and stop sacrificing your people!!:tdown:

estimated total of U.S. troops lost in the war so far--3,000


New Member
I'm guessing people on both sides of the debate could present very well-though-out and elegant debates for either side.

I'm not going to post my opinion on this as I feel that internet political debates are mostly meaningless and don't really convince anyone of anything.:\

Don't let this stop anyone from discussing this though.


New Member
a very intelectual reply :D Yeah he's a jerk, but w/e. He has never been loved by people outside US. The world has changed a lot the last years because of his politics. And that's a bad change. The common atmospere when you go to school, work and watch the news is really bad. He hasn't made the world a better place to live, that's for sure :tdown:


New Member
uhm, i don't know about the general american stuff, a poor south american white fat guy that lives in a trailer maybe


New Member
are you guys idiots?!?! he was smart! if it wasn't for him the war on terror would be right at our door step and you gotta face the facts im right.


New Member
without him the world would be a better place to live. Attacking Iraq has NOTHING to do with terror. Maybe creating more terror because of hate from the middle east


New Member
your wrong im sorry, but he has done the right thing if he diden't do that did you notice terror threats have lowered huh! as i recall because of him our nation is safer, and you are a idtiot to think not, if he diden't attack them then we would be under attack from them he's doing the right thing even tho i think he is a crazy war monkey


New Member
maybe you could discuss without calling me an idiot. But anyway i'm sure as rest of the world (includes big parts of US) that the Iraq conflict is meaningless and had no other meaning from the beggining. I think no one really realize why George Bush ordered an attack against Iraq. I know that Iraq wouldn't have attacked US, too weak as you understand i hope.


New Member
George Bush feeds on terror. It's his way of controlling the masses.
And as for him doing "great things" yes well, everyone knows that there were NO weapons of mass destruction, and he went AGAINST the UN to further his own purposes.
First of all, Bush does not and I say again NOT what all Americans are like!He may inspire all the fatass rednecks from the deep south but not us up north or anyone with a little common sense!Heck, Nixon was even better than him in my opinion!

Second of all not all of America has been hit with obesity. I myself am a little too skiny for someone whos 6'1.(about 150 lbs)


behold the face of evil!