War of the Corpses


New Member
Reskin the whole undead scourge acolyte, ghoul, crypt fiend, heroes ect for the scourge.
Im still trying to get some ideas for the forsaken but they will use only several scourge units, but with different stats, ghouls, aboms, and meat wagons.

I also require a new tileset, which will be named Plagueland, basically a grayish blighted land, but not actual blight, dead trees and black shrubs, ect.

also fo the other people looking at this thread feel free to post ideas for forsaken units.


New Member
Somehow, I didn't see that coming raging. Even though I should have. I should have known you'd come up with some smart idea to get ogres involved. -_-


New Member
They would'nt neccesarly be undead ogres, but more like mind controled ones, sort of like a mind slave the apothecarys have in WoW. But what to do about the ghoul should we keep it or just make the "forsaken worker" fill in its gap to gather wood? (forsaken worker will gather gold from gold mines like a peasant or peon.)


New Member
I didn't say it was a bad idea...heck, I could see a lot of creeps going undead.
Undead gnolls would be....weird.
Hey, satyrs might join their team (still living).


New Member
Panda's should be left alone :p
However, it would be crazy cool to do that. A lot of people like panda's...and seeing the darker side of them would be very inventive...


New Member
A Forsaken Drone? Sounds to SCish but who knows. I was thinking more along the lines of a reskinned human peseant, but with rotting flesh, wounds, ect. I had a idea at school today about the spellcasters also, would'nt banshees be for the forsaken rather than the scourge? Each race would have 1 spellcaster, or we could give them 2 spellcasters. Necromancer, and some new scourge spellcaster, a banshee and some new forsaken spellcaster, what do you guys think?


New Member
Undead Night Elves! Undead Naga! Undead Blood Elves! The undead naga could have just their spine for their tail, and the undead night elves could summon all sorts of undead forest creatures.


New Member
Whoa whoa whoa, The Forsaken will probably only feature Undead Humans, Undead High Elves, Mind Controlled Ogres, and maybe undead Gnolls, until someone can proof that undead naga ect could possibly be forsaken.


New Member
Sorry, I guess I got excited. What about undead critters, you know the ones that don't attack. Maybe you could use them somehow. I really should stay away from this, I have lots to do on my own projects.