Why, people you see here everyday. Almost everybody posts the most in the Chat section now. Yes, they like Warcraft, but where do they talk most? All of those new sections.[/b]
It's like a new video game, when you first get it you play it and play it, ignoring everything else, eventually you get tired of it and go back to the others. Once the newness wears off, it'll even out a lot more. At the same time, I don't think there was a decrease in activity anywhere, only an increase in activity in this one section, making the WarCraft section look weak in comparision.
Yes but that's a long way off from now.[/b]
So? The point is that he is thinking ahead, how to keep WarCraft 3 fansites going for years to come, even after WarCraft 4 (Yeah Right!) comes out.
That's good then. But we're talking about now. And I don't disagree that having GTW here is awesome, but they contribute in their own forums (understandable) yet very little in others.
We had the same problem at WarCraft 3 Mod Forge for a while, eventually once everyone settled in they started to move out into other forums and everyone was a nice happy family. Which at the same time is a good example of what could happen to Anvil if it doesn't expand into other areas. WarCraft 3 Mod Forge is nearly dead, they stayed in one spot, and didn't expand, the members got tired, and left. Anvil expanding, promoting growth, not just in one section, but in all.