Warcraft Map Optimizer


New Member
Hey ben even my first map ever released (which was really bad) got stolen, same with my second map :p

People who knows nothing about mapping is willing to steal anything they can get their hands on!


New Member
For every map thats stolen, there's a thousand that are not. All it does, from my point of view, is rob begginners of good sources of learning, since its much easier to look at how someone did something rather then asking them to explain it in a forum.

" maps(editing decent maps,into a laggy and buggy piece of...).Imagine how much bandwith of wc3sear.ch would go on those maps..."

Incorrect. We dont accept ripped maps. If there are any up, its because I dont know who the original authors are (I'll be damned if I'll risk accidently deleting an original work and keep a rip....it already happened once and I vowed it never to happen again), or they were made open scource BY THE ORIGINAL AUTHORS (who would then obviously not care if edits were made). Lets see...how many of those maps that you see a lot of edits out there were done because someone broke the map protection against the original autheor's will? Nearly none. Most were willingly made open source (i.e. dota, battleships). Map protection does not protect maps- only selfishness. It does not mean that we will forever keep those edits. As our space becomes more limited those will be the first to go, but I'm just saying map protection, or lack thereof, had little to nothing to do with their spreading. In short, from my point of view map protection does more harm then good. Keeping my own maps uprotected also allows me, as a map moderator, to use my own maps as reference on how to do certain triggering when its too complicated to simply explain it in a forum, and therefor helps me with my job. On 'search I got 21 maps and a 13 map campaign posted with over 27000 cumulative downloads, all unprotected, and I've never had a map stolen yet.

Wc3sear.ch's policy is that we dont tell people how to protect, or how to unprotect (basically "dont ask, dont tell"). Let them figure it out for themsevles. I'd suggest for Anvil adopt a similar policy.

As for Vex's optimizer, I once tried it simply to reduce the file size of a rather large map I had a while back....it lowered the filesize of my 3 meg map down by a whopping 30 KB!!!!!! Wow......it was so worth it...... *rolls eyes*


New Member
Why was your map that big?
I don't think it can reduce the size allot if you have imported allot.
It sure does decrease my AOS's file size so I like it.


New Member
Hmmm....i will protect my maps(but,the current maps i uploaded are unprotected),and i will unprotected for learning right only(you e-mail me(or pm me) me,saying you want to learn something from it,or extract some models and crap and i send the unprotected version to whoever sent me the pm/e-mail).
Strange,wc3mapoptimezer only reduced my map size for like -100kb...<.<


New Member
lol i protect maps mainly for size small, but also for no-steal :) however if someone asks me in game 'how did u do this how do u do tht etc.' i ask him his msn and i send him unprotected ver (only if i trust him/her that is) i hate mass load times and i hate map stealers


New Member
Wc3 Map Optimizer purpose it to improve speed of maps. Use it with Widgetzier for short loading time (Object Data).


New Member
Optimizer version 3.9d http://www.wc3campaigns.net/showthread.php?t=79326 (you don't require to be registered to download)

It is not good to use 3.8 or any old version, I keep fixing bugs with each release so better use the newest one.

For every map thats stolen, there's a thousand that are not. All it does, from my point of view, is rob begginners of good sources of learning,
That's a good deceit told by the anti map protection people. The whole statement that all maps require to be open source to help beginners learn is a terrible false statement for 2 reasons:
  • Every map is open source already
  • Beginners can't learn anything from a random map they find out there with uncommented code and that kind of things. If they ever learn anything in that way it would have been easier for them to learn from tutorials.
since its much easier to look at how someone did something rather then asking them to explain it in a forum.
Yes it is much easier to look at it but it is not easier to learn from it. You probably think that learning is a synonim of imitating but that's false. You can't learn if you don't understand.

" maps(editing decent maps,into a laggy and buggy piece of...).Imagine how much bandwith of wc3sear.ch would go on those maps..."
No offense but Who cares about wc3sear.ch's bandwidth?

Incorrect. We dont accept ripped maps. If there are any up, its because I dont know who the original authors are (I'll be damned if I'll risk accidently deleting an original work and keep a rip....it already happened once and I vowed it never to happen again), or they were made open scource BY THE ORIGINAL AUTHORS (who would then obviously not care if edits were made). Lets see...how many of those maps that you see a lot of edits out there were done because someone broke the map protection against the original autheor's will? Nearly none. Most were willingly made open source (i.e. dota, battleships)
You just proved yourself wrong, this statement proves that the tools called "map protection" help stop noob edits.

Map protection does not protect maps- only selfishness.

They can just help the guys learn instead of letting them edit their maps, is that selfish?

It does not mean that we will forever keep those edits. As our space becomes more limited those will be the first to go, but I'm just saying map protection, or lack thereof, had little to nothing to do with their spreading. In short, from my point of view map protection does more harm then good.
Like 90% of the tools called by the average mapper "Map protection" Cut space of the map. That means lesser download time is that really harm?

Keeping my own maps uprotected also allows me, as a map moderator, to use my own maps as reference on how to do certain triggering when
That's negligence , hey I made it in that map, I won't bother explaining it, just read it and try to reverse engineer the thing up-

its too complicated to simply explain it in a forum, and therefor helps me with my job. On 'search I got 21 maps and a 13 map campaign posted with over 27000 cumulative downloads, all unprotected, and I've never had a map stolen yet.

Wc3sear.ch's policy is that we dont tell people how to protect, or how to unprotect (basically "dont ask, dont tell"). Let them figure it out for themsevles. I'd suggest for Anvil adopt a similar policy.
Could you then please that old version of the optimizer that's laying there? I got tired of asking you guys to delete it.,

As for Vex's optimizer, I once tried it simply to reduce the file size of a rather large map I had a while back....it lowered the filesize of my 3 meg map down by a whopping 30 KB!!!!!! Wow......it was so worth it...... *rolls eyes*

Great, it was a bugged version and you didn't even report the bug. That's a whopping disappointment I thought you could do better than that.


New Member
I completely agree w/you on the map protection issue, Vex. Most of the time, people simply copy triggers from other maps, no learning at all. In my opinion, wc3sear.ch, rather than sitting there and preaching against map protection, should be working on a decent amount of detailed trigger tutorials, among other things. Basically, if people can figure out how to do something from a tutorial, they don't need to copy another map.

Also, there are actually quite a few people who just take open source maps, change the name of the creator, and then host them on Bnet. Map protection stops a vast majority of these idiots.

Anyway, awhile ago I started work on a triggering tutorial map of sorts, but between GTW, the APM, four games (2 full, 2 free), school, and working on my artistic and programming skills, I haven't even had much time to work on Balance Wars, let alone a triggering help map. Anyway, there have been a lot of triggering questions lately that my completed maps would have answered, so I think I'm finally going to allocate some time and do something productive for the community as a whole and finish those maps (going to be a series of at least 3, from noob to xpert).

And, aye, the new version of the Optimizer is much better =) I had not thought much of it until now, as I'd been using the old wc3sear.ch version.


New Member
It used to not to, but I heard that the creator of extprotect and vex were working together to fix that. If possible, could I please have a copy of the source code for your map protector? I'm interested in integrating its functionality with the editor I'm developing for GTW.