Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War & Winter assault


New Member
Hello, i would like to talk about warhammer yes i do play and i was wondering if anybody else on here played warhammer cuz i would like to find some game buddy's for online play and be able to play with em and see there skill i got excellent skill and i like to play the game alot i love it and i make alot of stuff. i like making my own custom color's and i even made a few programs for war hammer for corpse delay and corse stay that would make them stay forever yes i have also done other thing's for warhammer like redoing the unit's and i will soon to make some dawn of war model's for warcraft. This is a topic where you can ask for anything relataed to warhammer and anything that you might possibley want that i might be able to make even tho im on the break of a family crisis.


New Member
WH40K is fun but doesnt work proply for me and i dont play it on the net, i suck too much at it though i do manage to beat comps some how..... any way i would be the easist person to beat.... once 4 scouts beat a full squad of cultists that was embaracing 4vs11 and i still lost :eek: and the enemy had terrain disadvantage (water) when i had terrain bonus (trench like hole)


New Member
ROFL dont tell me you told your cultist to shoot?! They are good in a hand to hand fight, they barely do any dmg shooting.

And yes i used to play WH40K but now as my comp is overheating i am not. After i upgrade i might play it again.
Anyway my net is weird and i hardly can get anything to work. My only good net victory was against my Battle.net friend.(he has the game too, and i beaten his space marines with chaos in 17 mins... other thing that he wasnt really good at all. Sent force commander alone vs 2 chaos space marine groups that kicked his @$$ alot, then after i made my chaos lord he got pwned).


New Member
The Chaos' biggest demon, summonded by sacrificing a hero, can't remember the name. Anyway, he is awesome... *evil laughter errupts from the space above and behind your head, then, in a booming voice* "I HAVE COME FOR YOU!!"

hmm, i should write a horror novel perhaps...

anyway, back to WH40K, i like Chaos the best but im no good at them, im best at space marines, my attack is great but defence is somewhat lacking. anyone for team play? defend me while i slaughter them? i've never played online though.


New Member
I played with a random person once online. He played Imperial Guards, and i must say, i would be better at defense more than attack. Yet im not bad at getting strategy points fast early game.
And the demon is named Bloodthirster, and agreed that he is awesome. Yet the Avatar is stronger with its dmg, and looks awesome aswell.
Yet im not good with Eldar at all, dont know how to use them and so on. And i like Chaos the most aswell and i play with them the best of all the races.


New Member
Warhammer? Yeah, I played it. I started when my RSI started, and I quit when the worst pain was gone. Both cases were a long time ago.


New Member
And it will tell you a good tactic against an opponent. Like Eldar reapers are crap in meele, then go assault marines/raptors/storm boyz or how theyre called/howling banshee. While most ork units is meele dmg based, then make alot of ranged units, eventually some meele to tank for you.


New Member
Yeh like if u are elder most of there units are melee based dmg so u should try n get them in melee and then get there ranged unit up but if u dont check there dmg u might think that all elders are melee based and lose alot of tactic.