wc3sear.ch problem (yes, another one)


New Member
They're lagging like hell, and since this website hosts them or something, I figured I'd ask here. It takes over 10 minutes to load pages and dls go at 6kb/s. So what's going on?


New Member
Wc3anvil does not host wc3sear.ch. We used to host some of their map files for them, but that was in the past and they host all their own material now.

As for the slow site...yes, it's slow. The server they are on is heavily loaded with around 30 other websites, and wc3sear.ch itself has some speed problems.

Apparently, Darky is looking at some solutions for improving wc3search's situation. Hopefully, things will improve. :)


New Member
I have never seen it running quickly. Best I've seen is about 2 seconds to load a small page, which is really long. On the longer end of things, some of the pages have taken 50 seconds to load. :\


New Member
The loading speed depends how many people are online. There's that little number top left (people online). If its about 70-90 the site loads normally (1-2 sec per page). If its less than 70 its faster, and if its like 50 (thats like when everybody is asleep) the page is actually fast.

As for the downloading speed, never had that problem, i've always downleaded over 100kb/sec from the site. I have 8mb adsl though...


New Member
Wc3anvil does not host wc3sear.ch. We used to host some of their map files for them, but that was in the past and they host all their own material now.

Oh. It says "Powered by wc3anvil.com" so I figured that means this site hosted them, or whatever.


New Member
Yeah. I think it actually says "Downloads Powered by Wc3Anvil.com" but it's true that they really should update the site to reflect the current status of things.


New Member
Or they could accept me offer of hosting a bunch of their files. They must be afraid of doing it after they lost a lot of files last time. We weren't on a very reliable server by then though.


New Member
I think atm darky is trying to get a memory upgrade or something, but yea like flad said it never realy has been the fast kind of site


New Member
Based on how things have gone, I doubt the site we be in any good situation soon. Darky is not there very often.

However, things may change. Hoping for the best. :)