What are you best at?



New Member
I like Cold Seed and Junk Flea CTF.

Sni- I mean, Snow Valley is just too slow for me. So is Gray Hammer and Warhead.

Brushwood (IMO) is not a very fair map. I mean the airplane is mostly on Alpha's(?) side and they can just pick people off from Bravo's spawn.

Twin Towers is okay. I just don't like the snipers up on top of the roof etc.

Phoenix Wright

New Member
Brushwood Elimination or Capture the Flag 8v8 Bravo Team. I hate to play it, but I know I'm good at it... : l 'Tis where I got my first Unbelievable and Unbelievable +.


New Member
I don't know, It depends.
I think Junk Flea Elim with an ak-74,
Any other map then that besides brushwood with an l9.