What are you playing now?



I currently have WoW running but was playing Fractal on Steam before that. I'd probably progress more if I weren't reading gaming news and posting on forums at the same time, ha.
League of Legends mainly. I'm in search of good new free games while I wait for the big names like Guild Wars 2 or Diablo 3, but currently nothing hasn't grabbed my attention with the exception of Repulse, but currently it's not availabe. Maybe soon they will go in open beta.


New Member
Currently playing DoTA. No offense to LoL, HoN players out there but I still prefer this. The classic map that started it all. I also do some RS farming by the side just to earn some gold. :)


New Member
I have been playing League of Legends a lot over the past year.
This weekend I was playing League of Legends and Guild Wars 2 (yay beta weekends!).
I've mainly been playing on my PC but when I switch to my Xbox I've been playing Mortal Kombat 9.


New Member
Well I am playing and cycling between a lot of games at the moment but right now I find myself going back to battlefield bad company 2 just because I really love the maps in this game. I would like to purchase B3 some time in the future.