What are your skills?



New Member
I don't say my works sucks... I'm just saying that I'm not that skilled in doing icons and models. It takes me *beep* much! For example, I UVmapped a damned statue in about 12 hours. That surely means that I have no experience in UVmapping. Everytihng becomes faster with practice. Until then, I'm still a beginner.



New Member
Me? Uhh... I can do some below average models (one i did was changin Arthas into a Dreadlord-headed hornless freak with one hand changed into a levitating spiked hammer, and the second hand was almost nothing there), im not bad at making cinematic maps. (i remember one that was my best, removed after reinstalling the system though)


New Member
well am good at triggers i don't know jass i can't make icon skin or modles and am kind of good at terrain also am very good at story making


New Member
i can skin terrain trigger Beginner in modeling i can think up names(if im drunk... but i forget them) and spells. i can make icons.... And .... hmm nothing else i guess


New Member
Elder guru with terrains =P

Cinematics is what I do in mapping, so thus my skill

Triggering is decent to good, though I would like to learn how to script and how to jass.

I can do skinning, but never have the time.

The last but not least, voice actor, I get a lot of request cause I can imitate sounds very well and I did one year of official voice acting