What book are you reading?


New Member
its not of your business but i fear felines, they usually tend to hurt me a lot, like what happened in the new year passage

besides, felines are trecherous, you never know that when youre cuddling them they will turn and scratch you in the eye and blind you!


New Member
Feline=Cat. Can't believe you don't know that...
Personally, I'm afraid of very large heights. But only when I look down. So maybe I'm not really afraid, I'm just like everybody else. Oh well, it doesn't keep me from staying in a high apartment, so it's not really life-controlling.


New Member
Same here, I'm afraid of heights as well. But since it isn't as bad that it limits anything in particular, I didn't feel like it was necessary to add it, but... oh well :p


New Member
Ive got a fear, but not a phobia of higts, too. I can look over the edge of things, but i never do stupid things like other do (i.e: bending over the edge). And guys, fear of hights aint anything bad, stupid things like aracknephobia are (the erashional fear of spiders), and aquaphobia and the likes of that.

There is logic in fearing hights, because, unlike a fear of spiders, most spiders (apart from in america and austrailia where anything that moves either bits stings or poisons ur sorry little ass) dont splat ur guts all over the floor at 100 mph falling speed, and dont smash ur head against tghe ground like falling from a hight does.

KK, heres abit of comfort: If it doesn't kill you, it will criple you for life, and ruin ur life, and most likely it will kill you, and dont forget, if ur not careful u could fall off at anytime and get ur guts and brains all over the pavement with rats scavenging ur corpse. So, not anything to worry about :D

Personally, when i get a fear of hught, my fingers go limbp.


New Member
I'm not familiar with it either. This is what dictionary.com gave as a result on a side note:

'Of or belonging to the family Felidae, which includes the lions, tigers, jaguars, and wild and domestic cats; felid.
Suggestive of a cat, as in suppleness or stealthiness.'

As for James...

I didn't say being afraid of heights is bad. I only said that I am slightly afraid of heights, but not enough to make any problem of it. Though you won't see me in a feriswheel, it won't be the first time I get to certain floors in a flat. Though I have my limits =)

Me being scared for clowns is something that it is stuck inside me. Though there is nothing to fear about them, it's not like I can just suddenly stop being afraid of them. The same would count for everything else people might be afraid of, like my brother who's afraid of spiders.


New Member
Nah, I'm listening to my second favorite radio DJ :p You'll need quite some stuff to get me away from listening to this brilliant man :p