What console Is better?!


New Member
I'm a strong proponent of computers over consoles, mainly because computers are more versatile and stay on the verge of technology.

From a hardware standpoint, all 3 of the latest consoles are well-made...I prefer the graphics processor of the PS3 and the overall system architecture of the Xbox 360 the best. If Blu-Ray catches on, then more power to the PS3. Ultimately, though, there are not many games that grab my interest for any of the consoles.


New Member
most of ps3's things are top of the line as of now and they are underselling ps3's by what was it like 150$? the only problem with that is no one makes games good enough to put 360 to its potential, let alone ps3


New Member
so far as i count ps3 has motostorm, resistance, godfather
xbox 360 has assassins creed, gow, crackdown, Lost Planet, oblivion, saints row, and halo (soon to come)
and nintendo has zelda, ssb (soon to come), Wii sports, and many games with increased quality due to wii mote

Ken in the bubble

New Member
Meh undead made a good point. I think a lot of the ps3 will be saved due to Metal Gear Solid: 4. So far that game looks amazing but the designer (hideo kojima) knows what he's doing


New Member
All in all, the whole "console" debate comes down to your preference. If you're a fan of shooter games, then you like the Xbox. If you're a fan of RPG's (like me) then you like the PS. If you're a fan of adventure games, then you like Nintendo.
Saying that one has better specs than the other is fine enough, but really it just does come down to your preference.
I don't think there is a "better" system. It's more about personal preference. You have to take a look at each system's current library, then make a choice on what kind of games you're looking for. So the real question isn't which one is better, the real question should read, "Which console is better for you?"

Popescu Radu

New Member
I don't think there is a term of comparison between PS3 and XBOX360. A XBOX360 owner will come here and tell us that his console is better, a PS3 fan will do the same about PS3, and so on, this debate will never be settled because the two consoles are different. I'll give a small + to the XBOX360 because it's easier to mod and of a smaller price.


Let's see...

The Wii's library has a lot of "shovelware", with only a few good quality games, while the PS3 has a decent library.

The Playstation 3 is better, but the N64 and PS2 are elite, in my opinion.


I suggest to have ps3 other than anything else, Sony already proved their name as one of the best when it comes to gaming industry and buying PS3 is great!


The Wii has the best user-interface. It's very friendly, you get used to it very fast and the games are awesome ! The way in which you can control everything is amazing. Can't wait for Wii U now, see its new features. I saw you will be able to is it with the regular Wii.
To be honest, there is no better console. Each one of them has a strength and weakness that may turn you on to buying it or make you move along to something different. You have to keep in mind, better is in the heart and mind of the consumer individually. Just think about what you yourself want in your game system. It depends on what your preference is whether or not a system is better.


To be honest, there is no better console. Each one of them has a strength and weakness that may turn you on to buying it or make you move along to something different. You have to keep in mind, better is in the heart and mind of the consumer individually. Just think about what you yourself want in your game system. It depends on what your preference is whether or not a system is better.

I believe your right, it is really depends on the person on which he prefer of buying. It depends on the person on what kind of game he does want. Different console means different genres of game they are good.
I believe your right, it is really depends on the person on which he prefer of buying. It depends on the person on what kind of game he does want. Different console means different genres of game they are good.


More often than not, the person telling you console A is better than console B is speaking less on fact and more on their general bias on the issue. They're telling you what's better based on what THEY like. Which may or may not be the same thing as what YOU like.