What do you do in a clan match?


Jordan B

Active Member
My clan are all Kiwis, so they don't listen very well :p .

Anyway, When me and my mate are at the same house, and then 2 others from our clan are playing, we run 1 sniper, (Usually me, I'm rather good at Close range) , and then 2 Assaults and 1 sprayer. The sprayer uses an Uzi or a mac-10 with an S1, and madly runs at them holding down his mouse button to make them crazy and confused.

The assaults give him backup whilst the other clan go's for him, whilst I give sniper support when I can.

We usually only play CTF, so I'm sort of the defender aswell. (At Junk Flea, mostly)


New Member
Back in the day, when my old clan was alive, my leader was very good at managing the battlefield. IE: At SV, he'd sit at the alpha hill or somewhere on the tower tracking enemy movements and tell us where to strike. We were so good at team work that we won CTF a number of times with just melee and nades.
CTF was our specialty; For a small while, we were the #1 CTF clan.

The way it all worked out, I literally had free reign over what I did. Everyone else had their specific jobs (sniper, flag runner, flag camper, etc.) and I had my orders "Just do your thing." I may not be the greatest player, but in that team setting I was really good. I had my flank cover all the time, which is my weakest point, so I could concentrate on whats in front of me and just.. do what I did.


New Member
Try using vent its the most helpful way instead of typing but be warned things could get a bit rough on vent if you don't follow orders.


Active Member
my clan usually does hit and run tactics. we get into a fire fight then back off and then go full attack again and it usually works out if we talk enough. we've taken down clans with only officers in it and all of us are sergents.


New Member
humm what do I do in a clan match? I.........RUN FOR MY LIFE!!!! YAAA!!!!!!!:D But really, I'm not in a clan so I don't do clan matches lol.:p