I am a full time stay at home mom, taking care of my baby girl, who has cerable pusey. I want to go to ITT tech to study medical coding and work at home, but im so broke i cant even afford toilet paper. I spend my days cleaning and taking Sayde to and from school ( she only goes for three hours a day) listening to her whine and cry all day cuz she is spoiled and frustrated cuz she cant do want she wants because of her muscles ( her mind is fine, she is very smart) and i have three animals i have to clean up after, two dogs and a rabbit. Thank god my dad finaly moved out so i dont have to listen to him bitch anymore. Plus i have a 20 year old nephew to clean up after, and my husband, but he is getting better about doing it himself. Then i come in the punx server, get my ass handed to me, then pass out for 4 hours (most of that i am getting up and down with my kid) and do it all over again. In October i am security for The Haunted Castle, but this year is the last year, the airport is making it a parking lot. and thats it.