What games would you like to see on the virtual console?


New Member
The only game that needs to be on the Virtual Console is WWF(E) No Mercy. They'll probably have to edit it like mad to remove all the trademarks and stuff maybe all traces of Chris Benoit (I can't remember if he was in the original) but it'd be worth it. It probably won't happen mind you.

The old Pokemon Game Boy games do need to make an appearance. Possibly Pokemon Silver. That was awesome.


New Member
I want Chrono Trigger, since it never came out in the UK.... and maybe Final Fantasy I - VI, just to see what the fuss is about.


New Member
Squiddy said:
I want Chrono Trigger, since it never came out in the UK.... and maybe Final Fantasy I - VI, just to see what the fuss is about.

You really wanna try the japan-only games now don't you? lol.


New Member
Pythorne said:

yupp...same here.....samsh bros would be a great addition....Goldeneye would be really good aswelll.......

I think nintendo would eventually release these.....


Active Member
Goldeneye would be awsome. But people are saying they will not be able to release this title on VC.(Same as banjo Kazooie, another game i want!) Reason: Because Rare made these games. But they are WRONG! just saying.:yess:


New Member
killman360 said:
Goldeneye would be awsome. But people are saying they will not be able to release this title on VC.(Same as banjo Kazooie, another game i want!) Reason: Because Rare made these games. But they are WRONG! just saying.:yess:

well i think i read sonmewhere that rare said that it's up to nintendo if they wanted to release these games on vc.....but i might be wrong....


Active Member
hockeyhero said:
killman360 said:
Goldeneye would be awsome. But people are saying they will not be able to release this title on VC.(Same as banjo Kazooie, another game i want!) Reason: Because Rare made these games. But they are WRONG! just saying.:yess:

well i think i read sonmewhere that rare said that it's up to nintendo if they wanted to release these games on vc.....but i might be wrong....

Here is a more detailed explanation: Microsoft does not own Rare, Rare is being paid to make first party game's for microsoft. This meens that anything really good is probably going to go to the 360 first and then mabye go to other systems. Really it is Rare's call. Microsoft can't stop them from putting game's made by them on VC.


New Member
killman360 said:
hockeyhero said:
killman360 said:
Goldeneye would be awsome. But people are saying they will not be able to release this title on VC.(Same as banjo Kazooie, another game i want!) Reason: Because Rare made these games. But they are WRONG! just saying.:yess:

well i think i read sonmewhere that rare said that it's up to nintendo if they wanted to release these games on vc.....but i might be wrong....

Here is a more detailed explanation: Microsoft does not own Rare, Rare is being paid to make first party game's for microsoft. This meens that anything really good is probably going to go to the 360 first and then mabye go to other systems. Really it is Rare's call. Microsoft can't stop them from putting game's made by them on VC.

Oh really...well lets hope RARE makes the right choice:)


Active Member
Ryano said:
killman360 said:
hockeyhero said:
killman360 said:
Goldeneye would be awsome. But people are saying they will not be able to release this title on VC.(Same as banjo Kazooie, another game i want!) Reason: Because Rare made these games. But they are WRONG! just saying.:yess:

well i think i read sonmewhere that rare said that it's up to nintendo if they wanted to release these games on vc.....but i might be wrong....

Here is a more detailed explanation: Microsoft does not own Rare, Rare is being paid to make first party game's for microsoft. This meens that anything really good is probably going to go to the 360 first and then mabye go to other systems. Really it is Rare's call. Microsoft can't stop them from putting game's made by them on VC.

Oh really...well lets hope RARE makes the right choice:)
They probably will, considering some of there games were major Hits.


New Member
I'm hoping for Ogre Battle 64 above all else.

I don't know much about the virtual console in general, so I'm not entire certain that CD-based games can be put on there. But if they can, there are many Sega Saturn games that would be excellent choices for the Wii Virtual Console. Shining Force III, Albert Odyssey, Panzer Dragoon Saga (provided the game isn't too large) and best of all, Dragon Force.

Most of the Saturns 2D fighters were also arcade perfect, and would fit well on the Virtual Console, as well.


New Member
I would love to see some of the mario party games on there and super mario kart, with added online play, I heard awhile ago that some old games maybe given graphical updates and maybe new features added, I know some n64 games had things removed, for example ghosts on mario kart 64


New Member
wannabebassist said:
I would love to see some of the mario party games on there and super mario kart, with added online play, I heard awhile ago that some old games maybe given graphical updates and maybe new features added, I know some n64 games had things removed, for example ghosts on mario kart 64

graphical updates would be nice....

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