I would like see better modifications?I could modify any weapon from the uzi to sniper rifles.Change scopes,clips,silencers,gernade launcher,barrel lengths,stocks are not,and so on.So could make patroper sniper rifle.Or custom stocks for better shooting.Also I woul to have gloves,and boot modes.For example sniper gloves plus 3 for accuracy.Boots-plus 3 to speed,jumping,and so on.Also a gernade belt,with three extra gernades.Sactle charges,trip charges,bounching betty,and so on.More melee weapons-pole weapons,more swords,for exaple baseball bats,mauls,throwing stars,and so on.I like to get rid of those stupid cases.Just have the items available at certian level,and each level should have something available.Also defintly more areas!Like the statue of liberty,the old trade centers,underground tunnels,coal mines,and for some really giant levels.A lot stuff climb and hide in,and more things that blow up!