What Guns & Gear would you like to see?



New Member
G3. It's such a good rifle, why it's not in already is surprising to me.

F2000. Better accuracy than the famas and built in scope. Had good success with it in BF2.

Galil in 7.62. Accurate, period.

SIG SG 552. Just a cool weapon.

More variety of optics.


New Member
new guns

i would like to see you add an L85A1 assult rifle and mabey a TAR-21 assult rifle cuase it would kick major a*s Mabey even an M8 assult rifle. It is so popular. I wonder why it isnt already in the game.Hmmmm. Then the last thing i can think of off the top of my head would be to add an BI-3681M assult rifle. or some turrents.


New Member

Uh, maybe more mods:

-Grenade Launchers
-More Scopes (e.g. thermal scopes (sum1 already said that), adjustable zoom scopes, better range finders/bullet drop calcs.


-Benelli M1014 Shotgun (the semi-auto in Cod4)
-SPAS-15 (Shotgun w/ ammo clip semi auto/pump)
-MP7 (Sorta like the MAC-10, just looks better)
-M242 (As an alternative to the current superspy chainer)
-C4 (Gotta have some limits for that)
-S12K (Another clip-loading shottie, semi auto)
-M82 (Super-sniper, possible nerf: -5% speed)
-MP5SD (Integrated Silencer MP5, possible supply case wep)
-Type 88 (Chinese MG)

Meh... can't think of many more



IGN: DumbViet


New Member

I would like to see you be able to custumize your gun. When I say this I mean that you can add to attributes. You can get attributes to add by doing good in battle.

If you want to join my clan the name is qwertyu


New Member
That auto-shotgun is amazing! I can't wait to see if the military buys these things.

I played a game a while back (can't remember it's name though) where you had mortars. If you just chucked the mortars, they could land in a wider spread area, reducing the acuracy the further out you shoot. But if a sniper had a laser desgnater, you could pinpoint your strike area. I would love to see this for maps like snow valley! Especialy for a CTF game. Just imagine lobing a couple mortars across the map into the enemies flag area before your team shows up to grab a then unguarded flag.

Besides that, I would like to see the tommy gun. I love that thing!
Day of defeat perhaps???
The FN-FAl,GALIL,IMI jericho,the SA-80 and the skorpion would all rock,and maybe they should add extra silencers and scopes plus some extra magazines (I mean more magazines.30/50 isnteead of 30/90)
taht nwould rock


New Member
New weps

I got some ideas for future patches
1) The XM8 assault rifle (google it if u dont know what it is)
2) Barrett M82 or M107 .50 BMG Sniper (a 50 cal sniper. FUKING AWESOME)
3) 2 uzis (yes, one in each hand)
4) Ninja stars (you know, cuz the spies in spy hunt basically are ninjas)
5) Craftsman Chainsaw (wouldnt that be kewl to get a chainsaw headshot? Think about it.)


I got some ideas for future patches
1) The XM8 assault rifle (google it if u dont know what it is)
2) Barrett M82 or M107 .50 BMG Sniper (a 50 cal sniper. FUKING AWESOME)
3) 2 uzis (yes, one in each hand)
4) Ninja stars (you know, cuz the spies in spy hunt basically are ninjas)
5) Craftsman Chainsaw (wouldnt that be kewl to get a chainsaw headshot? Think about it.)

yeh the dual uzis would be good becuase they barely give any damage


New Member
if u guys want to play a war game with tanks and things like that then play the game Warrock, its a game with tanks and stuff and its pretty gay. Keep the vehicles out of the game, they'll just make the game gay.