I've said it before: Bayonnets/pistol whipping FTW
dude my sig is sic!!!
Only thing iron sights would be good for is pistols. The crosshairs are so small in CA we don't need iron sights.
Using an iron sight on the law would be epic though
And @ OP7 customisation - Yes please. The level of customisation in OP7 is undeniably awesome.
Thats awesome I luv the MAC-10, its like one of the fun guns I use besides the K7...I love high ROF guns lol. Wish we can hold those small SMGs one handed, that way we can do double guns, but I reckon that would get way overpowered, so maybe not, it can still be fun tho. Some of the guns I like are the SCAR-L and the SG550, SCAR-L has the good fire rate and enough damage, the SG550 has the control over the recoil. Put them together and you get the M416, which is the ultimate assault rifle for me, especially the CQB version.
you seriously like the MAC -10 and k7?! those are like 2 of the worse GUNS in Combat Arms -yes...guns...not worse assault rifle or worse smg...guns.
You should buy the mac 10 just for a day to try it
it kicks so major ass!!!! lol but i use the pp19 now
the reason y u think the scopes suck is cause they do and nx wants u to keep playing and spending money till u unlock itech. its a dream come true lol-Actual Armor that Can be More Reliable in Camouflage , and Stopping some Powerful Shots once in a While.
-Also , as much as Modern today outgrows it , bayonets on some Weapons. Would save a Loud off Pressing the Button and it slowly comes out .
-More reliable Scopes , and Silencers. Scopes that can make a AR into a SP shooting over Med+ Distance. Would be nice in Snow Valley.
-More Fire Options. Usually , it's just Automatic. We need Single or Burst once in a while.
-More Stamina. Seriously? You can't even run across the room without using all of your "Noob" Stamina. I mean , C'mon! Your Stamina won't even last 10 seconds. ( Default Character )
-More Weapon Mods/Ammo. This relates to the P90, 50/50 will not last. Surviving with this only weapon is Futile after all ammo is gone. More Mod options would be nice , like exchanging the scope on a P90, and putting something else.
-Reliable Information. Usually, the Information on Guns . Like the UMP , comparing it to the P90, it seems not as much recoil. But it kicks back after a burst of 5, especially in a Scope mode.
pp19 = 60+ round per clip, O__________o
Get M416 if you want balance and PP-19 if you like close quarters combat.