what is your favorite pirate?

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New Member
eww, pirates must have been sick! i mean, since when did sex have so much influence over your life. Actually it must, because i heard today guys think about it every 7 seconds. ooooh look at her!


New Member
hmmm sounds like you are not a pirate indeed. If you were a pirate you would be , uh lets finish this post here shall we?

I must be clarevoyant, i can see Werewulf lurking this thread. begone!!!!


New Member
My favourite pirate is jack sparow, ya know, they guy that takes over the interceptor all by himself.

Also, there is this really HAWT female pirate off of age of empires 3. If there was made a real life version of her, she'd be so sha.gadelic! (as long as she'd had a shower, which most pirates don't bother doing)


New Member
Meh, females pirates can be hot. And a lot of girls I know scream when they see Johnny Depp...makes me want to get my ears checked. -_-


New Member
Meh, females pirates can be hot. And a lot of girls I know scream when they see Johnny Depp...makes me want to get my ears checked. -_-
yeah i agree female pirates could be, thing is women arnt that evil to be a pirate, just cause someones evil doesnt mean thier ugly
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